Why do the lips on the face turn black? Causes of blue lips

Your lips may darken if you are exposed to the sun for long enough. There are several other reasons that cause darkening of the lips. This is a genetic factor, smoking, excessive consumption of tea and/or coffee, etc.

Many people, especially those who smoke, want to lighten darkened lips and make them look naturally pink. We assure you that this goal can be achieved at home using exclusively natural remedies.

Getting rid of dark lips at home

Yes, we will do this, right at home. So, -

  1. Exfoliation. One of the reasons for darkening of lips is dead cells on their surface. In the morning, take a soft toothbrush and gently clean the surface of your lips. Then apply a thin layer of good balm to the lips.

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  3. Remove dead cells, from the surface of the lips, you can do it in another way. Mix granulated sugar with lime juice. Gently rub this mixture onto your lips.

  4. Daily drink milk. Milk contains lactic acid, which has bleaching properties. You can also apply a few drops of milk to a cotton swab and place the swab on your lips for a few minutes. Milk not only whitens but also removes dead cells from the surface of the lips.

  5. Try it apply honey, to lighten lips. Prepare a mixture of lemon juice, honey and glycerin and apply it to the surface of your lips every night before going to bed. After a few days, the dark spots on your lips will become significantly lighter.

  6. Beet juice, also helps brighten lips. If you apply a little beetroot juice to your lips every day, within one month their color will turn soft pink.

  7. Papaya is a good natural lip lightener. Apply papaya pulp on your lips
    and leave for a few minutes. You can use a combination of papaya and pineapple pulp.

  8. One of the most effective home remedies to lighten lips is cucumber s. Cucumber juice does this job perfectly.

  9. Used to lighten lips almond oil. Mix almond oil with a small amount of cream and apply to the surface of the lips. Also, this is an excellent product for softening dry lips.

  10. Another simple way to get rid of dark lips. Massage your lips using coconut or olive oil, every night before bed.

  11. If your lips have darkened from smoking, you should cream of coriander leaves and honey. Apply this mixture to your lips every day before going to bed. In the morning, the composition should be washed off.

  12. Another home method lightening. Wipe your lips rose leaves dipped in raw milk. This procedure should be done 2 times a day until the desired result is obtained.

  13. Drink more water, since dry lips are one of the main reasons for their darkening. By keeping your lips moisturized, you at the same time make them brighter.

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  15. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, use lip balm with sun protection properties. This will prevent their color from changing. Choose a sun balm with SPF no less than 30. If you want to use lipstick, make sure it has a high enough protection factor (SPF).

  16. Smokers tend to have darker lips and wrinkles around the mouth due to excessive smoking.

Condition of the lips and their appearance are an indicator of health. Almost every one of us has seen a person with blue lips. Such changes in their color may indicate the development of pathology in the body. The question can be answered by a doctor, who should be contacted immediately, especially if there is a strong heartbeat, breathing problems, or an increase in temperature.

Description of the problem

In medicine, blueness of the lips is usually called cyanosis. What it is? It is a symptom of various diseases that are manifested by a change in the shade of the lips and skin blue. This is observed due to the accumulation of a huge amount of deoxyhemoglobin in the blood. Unsaturated the right amount oxygen the blood acquires dark color. Therefore, it becomes visible through the skin, especially in those places where the epidermis is very thin.

When considering the question of why an adult’s lips turn blue after drinking alcohol and smoking, it should be noted that this is due to the entry of toxins and harmful gases into the body.

Types of cyanosis

In medicine, the following types of cyanosis are distinguished:

  1. Central, characterized by a pronounced blue color of the lips and cheeks. This happens due to impaired blood circulation, as a result of which carbon anhydride accumulates in large quantities.
  2. Peripheral, which is caused by a slowdown in blood flow in the capillaries and an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the body. Venous and arterial blood mixes and breathing quickens.

It is also customary to distinguish between temporary and permanent cyanosis. In the first case, its appearance provokes hypothermia or severe physical exercise. In the second case, cyanosis is associated with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Now it has become clear why do adults' lips turn blue when it's cold?. We will consider more detailed reasons for the development of the anomaly below.


Lips and skin can turn blue for various reasons. This may be due not only to pathologies in the body, but also to the influence of external factors. These include, for example, finding for a long time in a place with low oxygen content, heavy physical exertion, hypothermia, drug overdose, poisoning of the body or performing operations under anesthesia. Cyanosis can also indicate health problems. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Lung dysfunction

Why do adult lips turn blue? A photo of such pathology is provided. One of the factors in its appearance may be the presence of a blood clot in the artery of the lung. This also manifests itself during exacerbation of COPD or bronchial asthma. If you stay under water for a long time or stay on a mountain peak, your lips may also turn blue. Blue lips are almost always observed in severe pneumonia.

Airway obstruction

These reasons include holding your breath or suffocation. There may also be some diseases that provoke obstruction of the airways. These include bronchiectasis, characterized by dilation of part of the bronchi with stagnation of sputum, which leads to infections.

Lips can also turn blue due to epiglottitis, which is manifested by inflammation of the epiglottis. In addition, pathology occurs with long-lasting convulsions as a result of certain diseases.

Disorders of blood vessels and heart

It is difficult to answer the question of why lips turn blue in an adult without conducting a thorough diagnosis. A very common source is heart failure. Here the organ cannot provide the necessary blood flow to the organs and tissues of the human body.

People with also suffer from blue lips. This is due to a defect in the organ, which is characterized by blood with a small amount of oxygen entering from the right ventricle directly into the left, without reaching the lungs. Blue lips are also observed during cardiac arrest.

Other reasons

Blue lips may occur when taking large quantity sedatives or narcotics, benzodiazepines, and prolonged exposure to cold air or water. We already know. Here the blood vessels narrow, the blood does not completely fill the lips, and it enters the internal organs.

Blue lips are often observed with anemia, when the body lacks iron, which is part of hemoglobin, which, in turn, is responsible for the red color of the blood. Also, the level of this substance may fall during blood loss. Stressful situations can cause blue lips. Over time, the unpleasant symptom goes away in these cases.


Cyanosis is in some cases a symptom of various diseases. It may be accompanied by blue discoloration not only of the lips, but also of areas around the eyes, mouth, and other parts of the body. Often there is swelling of the capillaries in the neck and their swelling. The following symptoms may also occur:

  1. If the functioning of the lungs and bronchi is impaired: shortness of breath, cough, fever, hemoptysis, chest pain.
  2. For heart disease: blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, erythrocytosis, deformation of nails and fingers.

If such symptoms develop, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a specialist who will make a diagnosis and answer. In some cases, immediate respiratory resuscitation is required. Doctors conduct hardware and laboratory tests, based on the results of which they make an accurate diagnosis.


If cyanosis of the lips is ignored, treatment was not carried out or was carried out in bad faith and of poor quality, a person often develops diseases of a psychoneurological nature that can affect the brain. At the same time, asomnia develops, appetite is lost, and immunity decreases. In severe cases, the person falls into a coma or dies. Therefore, it is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment of the pathology.


An ambulance must be called immediately if cyanosis of the lips is accompanied by shortness of breath and loss of consciousness, vomiting or suffocation, blood loss and other negative symptoms. As stated above, Why do the lips of an adult turn blue? Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist in any case.

First aid boils down to the fact that the patient is positioned in such a way as to ensure maximum oxygen flow, then appropriate medications can be given to relieve general condition and immediately call an ambulance.

If blue lips are due to hypothermia, the person needs to be warmed up by wrapping him in a blanket and giving him hot tea, rubbing it as much as possible. In case of slight hypothermia, it is recommended to take a bath with lukewarm water, gradually increasing its temperature to 40°C. Then you need to wrap yourself in a terry towel and lie under the blanket.

You cannot immediately place the patient under hot water, as well as give him alcohol or coffee. Otherwise, the risk of developing internal hemorrhages, rupture of capillaries and other negative consequences increases. If hypothermia is severe enough, the person may die. Therefore, he must be immediately sent to the hospital.

If your lips are blue during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist who will prescribe special medications containing iron. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate. There are many reasons why lips turn blue in an adult. Treatment folk remedies may negatively affect human health. Therefore, you need to see a doctor.


It is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle, not to overwork physically, and not to become overcooled. It is also recommended to avoid alcohol and nicotine consumption for prevention purposes. Pregnant women should closely monitor their health and visit a gynecologist on time. In the presence of heart pathologies or blood diseases, preventive treatment is recommended.

So, Why do the lips of an adult turn blue? Fak There are currently a lot of tori that cause such pathology. They can be associated with both internal problems and external influences. It is important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and prescribe appropriate treatment. Otherwise, the risk of complications and even death increases.

Probably every person at least once in his life has seen a passerby with blue lips. This phenomenon should never be ignored, since it indicates significant problems in the human body. If your lips begin to turn even a little blue, be sure to consult a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you experience a rapid heartbeat, blue nails, increased temperature, sweating, severe coughing and problems with normal breathing.

Causes of blue lips

In medical practice, blue lips are called cyanotic. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of factors that should definitely be paid attention to, since this indicates certain malfunctions in the human body.

The main reason blue lips considered to be a lack of oxygen in the body (oxygen starvation), which occurs due to cyanosis of the skin. Symptoms of this disease are a clearly purple color of the skin and all mucous membranes (this occurs due to the increased content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood). If the patient has cyanosis, then, first of all, this indicates that he has problems with the cardiovascular system.

The second common cause of blue lips is smoking and the constant exposure of the human body to increased amounts of toxic gases.

In some cases, in addition to the availability of blue color lips, you can also observe a very pale shade of the skin. In this case, we can say that the patient suffers from iron deficiency anemia. Most often, anemia causes blue lips during pregnancy. Iron is one of the most important trace elements that takes part in many processes in our body. In particular, iron is one of the components of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the red tint of blood. Lack of hemoglobin can be associated not only with a lack of iron in food, but also with frequent and heavy blood loss (during menstruation, severe injuries and peptic ulcers).

Quite often, the cause of blue lips in children is a serious disease called croup, which is certainly accompanied by a severe cough and disturbances in normal breathing.

If red lips change their natural color over time, and the patient experiences shortness of breath and a rapid pulse, then we can talk about obvious symptoms of problems with the lungs or heart. The patient may experience heart attack, bronchitis or asthma develop. All this indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes the lips also turn blue due to the formation of a blood clot in the lungs. In this case, you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Hypothermia is another most common cause of blue lips. This is explained by the fact that when frozen, the blood vessels located in the lips narrow, preventing blood from completely filling them. As a result of this, most of the blood begins to flow from these vessels to the internal organs: the brain, kidneys and heart, thus maintaining a constant temperature of the entire body. Normal color of lips and skin occurs only if blood moves through the vessels constantly at the same speed and in the usual volume. Give them back to your pale lips pink color It will be possible after warming the body, as well as a number of measures that will help small blue blood vessels no longer show through the thin skin of the lips.

Sometimes blue lips occur in people with Raynaud's disease, when blood vessels in the extremities burst when exposed to low temperatures or severe stress. The human body tries to replenish the blood vessels with blood, which ultimately gives the body a blue tint.

Blue lips during pregnancy are a sign that the expectant mother’s body lacks iron. This problem is quite common, so today there are already known drugs that can help resolve it.

What measures should you take if you have blue lips?

  • Wrap yourself well in a warm blanket or terry towel, which will allow your body to quickly warm up. Blood will begin to circulate faster through the internal organs and rise from them to the limbs and lips.
  • You should drink hot tea. You need to be careful when drinking hot coffee, since the caffeine it contains causes vasoconstriction.
  • They will quickly warm the body and give it pink tint playing sports (running, aerobics, etc.), which will help oxygen reach all tissues of the body.
  • Set yourself a goal to quit smoking. Tobacco smoke and nicotine reduce the flow of oxygen to tissues and lead to rapid vasoconstriction.