Why do the veins in my legs pull? A vein in the leg hurts, what to do and how to treat it - emergency help

Decreased elasticity and thinning of the vein walls can lead to their expansion and slower blood flow, which is the root cause of the formation of varicose veins. It most often appears in the lower extremities, but can affect the veins of the upper body and internal organs.

The main causes of this disease are associated with impaired blood circulation. There are several factors influencing the development of varicose veins:

  • Heredity. A history of cases of the disease in a related line increases the risk of dilated veins, and may also be associated with the special structure of the vessels
  • Pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, pressure in the pelvic and abdominal cavity increases, which affects the proper functioning of blood flow. Often after childbirth, the manifestations of the disease decrease or disappear completely.
  • Hormonal imbalance. An imbalance in the endocrine system or long-term use of hormonal drugs can affect the tone of the venous wall.
  • Static lifestyle. Low mobility and prolonged standing on your feet contribute to the onset of the disease.
  • Age. Older people are more likely to develop venous dilatation, although Lately Cases of the disease have increased in young people and children.
  • . Physical work, heavy lifting, excess weight lead to increased pressure on the vessels, which provokes the appearance venous network, the lower extremities are especially vulnerable.
  • Metabolism-related diseases, poor diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If these factors are present, we can talk about a risk group and it is important not to miss the symptoms of varicose veins:


The first signs are a feeling of heaviness in the limb, swelling, and night cramps. The onset of the disease is often accompanied by itching and a burning sensation in the area of ​​the affected veins.

Particular attention should be paid if the skin has thickened, changed color, the veins in the legs or arms are bothersome and painful, or the temperature has risen. It doesn’t matter if the child is in pain , teenager or adult , If bruises and abrasions do not go away for a long time, any injury has occurred that resulted in limited mobility, swelling appears especially on the foot and ankle, then medical attention should be immediate.

Types of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be superficial (reticular) or internal, when the deep veins of the body are affected. In the first case, the disease may not progress beyond the appearance of spider veins, in the second there is a danger of the development of entangling nodes and, if not treated in a timely manner, the disease can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Varicose veins can spread to the esophagus, veins of the small pelvis, spermatic cord in men (varicocellus), and rectum. If a vein in your arm or armpit hurts, you are at risk of developing varicose veins in the upper body. The most common type is varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

When symptoms of the disease appear, if the vein is swollen , and touching it is accompanied by severe pain of a throbbing or aching nature, you should immediately consult a therapist.

Depending on the nature of the disease, he will decide which doctor to contact if the diagnosis is confirmed and will write a referral to a highly specialized specialist. Vascular surgeons, phlebologists and general surgeons deal with varicose veins.

Diagnosis of varicose veins includes a set of tests, on the basis of which a diagnosis is made and a treatment concept is formed. First of all, the veins are checked for the quality of blood flow and the presence of blood clots.

Modern methods make it possible to use ultrasound with Doppler to detect the disease. This effective procedure helps to find out why pain in the veins occurs and what causes it. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor decides how to treat varicose veins in each specific case.

Treatment of varicose veins with medications

Competent treatment of varicose veins includes a set of measures. There are conservative and surgical treatments. In the first case, the doctor prescribes medications. These can be tablets and ointments based on decongestants that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thin the blood and relieve inflammation. Effective medications for these purposes can be purchased at pharmacies:

Venotonic drugs (phlebotonics):

  • Phlebodia 600. Improves blood flow. Has angioprotective and antioxidant effects. average cost— 730 rub. for 60 pcs. and 430 rub. for 15 pcs.
  • Venoruton. The active ingredient is rutin, which has an angioprotective, anti-inflammatory, venotonic effect. Available in the form of tablets and gel ointment. Good local effectiveness if the vein has recently appeared. The average cost is 350 rubles.
  • Detralex. Increases the tone of veins, reduces the extensibility of the venous wall, and has an angioprotective and anti-edematous effect. Available in tablet form, the recommended dose is 2 Detralex tablets per day. Average cost 580 rub. for 30 tablets.
  • Reparil-gel. Normalizes blood circulation, helps relieve pain and inflammation. Average price – 150 rub.
  • Troxevasin (troxerutin). Available in gel and capsule form. The optimal effect is achieved when used together. Resolves injection hematomas well and reduces pain after injections . approximate cost– gel 130 rub, capsules 240 rub.
  • Escin (Venitan). Herbal remedy based on horse chestnut fruit extract. Angioprotector, phlebotonic, anti-inflammatory agent in the form of cream and gel. Price – 230 rubles. For illness on the legs, apply with light massage movements from the ankle to the thigh, not forgetting to smear the back of the knee and the area of ​​the foot .
  • Aescusan. It is taken orally in the form of drops. Anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory drug. The average cost is 150-160 rubles.

Blood-thinning medications help prevent blood clots, relieve swelling and improve venous flow:

  • Lyoton 1000. Heparin-based gel, applied twice a day. Has a pronounced anti-edematous effect for varicose veins of the lower extremities. Average cost 340 rub..
  • Aspirin and products based on it. It is a powerful blood thinning drug. Taken orally in tablet form. To determine the effective daily dose, a highly specialized doctor is needed . Average price 50 rub.
  • Trental. Helps prevent thrombosis, improves tissue metabolism and reduces blood viscosity. Average cost 160 rub..
  • Pradaxa. The active substance is dabigatran. Tablets are used for severe varicose veins, for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, especially in the postoperative period. Depending on dosage the cost reaches 2800 rubles.

Types of operations for varicose veins


This method is not entirely operational, but no less effective. This procedure is carried out using a special adhesive composition (without general anesthesia and incisions), which fills dilated areas of blood vessels through injections. The result is the soldering of the vein walls, which does not harm the blood flow and leads to the disappearance of varicose veins.

The greatest effectiveness is achieved on small vessels; if the vein under the knee is affected and there are no large venous nodes, this method is often prescribed. The cost of the operation depends on the clinic and the complexity of the procedure, on average up to 30,000 rubles.

Sclerotherapy (video)


A common operation to remove dilated veins surgically. Used for extensive varicose veins, if large superficial veins are affected, for example a vein in the thigh or in the groin area .

Microphlebectomy may be used to treat small lesions. The process involves traction and removal of the affected vein, which leads to normalization of blood flow in the deep veins. The cost depends on the complexity, the average price is 50,000 rubles.

Phlebectomy (video)

Laser surgery

Laser surgery is one of the minimally invasive methods of treatment. It is convenient if a vein has popped out in a small area of ​​the body. Laser radiation affects the walls of the veins, destroying collagen fibers, resulting in gluing of the vessel walls. Laser coagulation treatment is estimated at 45,000 rubles. depending on the complexity of the operation.

Removal of varicose veins with laser (video)

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after surgery is individual and depends on the complexity of the disease and the volume of procedures performed. The treatment area is bandaged with an elastic bandage, the veins in the legs hurt and were performed on them, it is recommended to keep them in an elevated position. Bruises at the intervention sites are possible. If pain persists for a long time after vein removal, you should consult a doctor.

In the treatment of varicose veins, only the doctor determines what to do in each specific case. When diagnosing, it is important to find out whether the veins may hurt from another disease.

An advanced disease can lead to the development of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, the need for an integrated approach to eliminating the disease in early stages the disease has a high success rate.

A competent specialist will not only prescribe the necessary medications, tell you what to apply to the affected areas or send you for surgery, but also give advice on preventive measures against varicose veins. After all, prevention is easier than treating already formed varicose veins.

If the veins in your legs hurt, what to do and how to treat it, the doctor decides after a thorough diagnosis. Do not try to relieve pain with analgesics, they will only relieve tension for a short time and normalize your well-being; they do not affect the cause of the pain itself. In the clinic, pain in the veins in the legs is treated by a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. They are the ones you should contact for advice.

Characteristics of pain

Pain in the legs can bother both people of retirement age and those in the prime of life. As a rule, painful sensations are concentrated in the lower part of the limb. Unfortunately, not many of us, feeling discomfort under the knee or in the shin area, drop everything and run to the doctor. In most cases, the symptoms are simply ignored and blamed on fatigue, without even thinking about treatment. By deliberately avoiding treatment, people provoke an exacerbation of the disease that can develop in the body, and only when the pain becomes unbearable do they sound the alarm.

Painful sensations in the area where the veins are located is the first sign of varicose veins

Everyone characterizes pain in the extremities in their own way; some believe that a vein in the leg hurts, others note a burning sensation, and others note a nagging pain. Each case is special and requires careful diagnosis.

Everyone knows that varicose veins is a disease associated with veins, but this is not the only pathology that can affect the blood vessels in the legs. That is why you should not endure pain in the hope that it will disappear on its own in a few days. The sooner the cause of the pain is determined, the sooner you will return to your normal life.

What diseases can cause vein pain?

Modern medicine has perfectly studied diseases of the lower extremities and the cardiovascular system, which is why even a novice phlebologist can accurately compare the symptoms and determine what exactly caused the pain in the leg vein. Among the most common causes of discomfort in the limbs are:

  1. Phlebeurysm- a very common disease, the symptoms of which are known to everyone. The disease develops after heavy lifting, during pregnancy and during prolonged work in a sedentary state. There is also a hereditary predisposition. You can recognize the disease by the fact that under the knee, strongly dilated veins are visible through the skin; sometimes, if the vein is swollen, bumps form on the legs. Patients with varicose veins quickly get tired, their performance decreases, and pain appears in the lower part of the leg, which is aching in nature. Sometimes a person's foot may become swollen and ulcers may appear on their shins. It is necessary to treat varicose veins.
  2. Thrombophlebitis- this is an advanced stage of varicose veins, the symptoms of the pathology are complemented by a burning sensation in the vein, the limb begins to ache from the heel to the knee. The disease itself indicates inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. If the pathology is not treated, there is a high risk of developing a blood clot, which, once in the pulmonary artery, will cause instant death. The disease most often affects people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, survivors of limb trauma, and also patients with blood clotting disorders. Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, the flow in the body is disrupted; it can be observed that the vein is swollen and there are small hematomas.
  3. Deep vein thrombosis begins its course asymptomatically. 98% of patients with paralysis who are bedridden are diagnosed with this disease. As the pathology develops, you can observe that a vein in the leg has popped out, the feet have begun to swell, and the temperature of the leg increases under the knees and towards the inflamed vein.
  4. Postphlebitic syndrome characterized by impaired blood outflow and insufficiency of the venous valves of the leg. As a result of the development of pathology, the following symptoms are observed: joint aches, skin hyperpigmentation, eczema, subcutaneous ulcers and fiber sclerosis may appear. This syndrome occurs in people who have experienced deep vein thrombosis in the leg and left it unattended.

Each disease has its own characteristics and requires targeted treatment. Only a highly qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and select medications to relieve discomfort and eliminate the disease. Self-medication causes hospitalization, disability and even death.

Drug treatment

Depending on the cause of the pain, medications will be prescribed. As a rule, the doctor prescribes internal administration of tablets and external application of ointments and gels. For oral administration, drugs are selected from the following groups:

  • venotonic agents that increase vascular tone - Detralex, Antistax, Phlebodia 600, Ginkor Fort, Venoruton;
  • medications that thin the blood and prevent congestion - Heparin, Warfarin, Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, Trental, Curantil, Phenilin;
  • anticoagulants that prevent the formation of blood clots - Avalizan, Ventavis, Plogrel, Detromb, Tiklid;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac and its analogues.

The therapeutic effect of the above remedies will only occur if medical recommendations are strictly followed. It is forbidden to adjust the dosage at your own discretion. If the veins in your leg hurt, you don’t know what to do, you can turn your attention to local remedies that will temporarily reduce swelling, relieve the blueness of the vein and relieve pain. They have minor toxicity, so they can be used without a doctor’s prescription, but we recommend not to self-medicate and go to the clinic as soon as possible. If the veins in the leg hurt, treatment can be carried out with the following ointments:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Trombless;
  • Hepatrombin.

The easiest way to eliminate pain in the leg or vein is to apply a compress with Novocaine solution. It is sold in every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Of course, you should not abuse this method, because Novocaine is a potent drug and it is difficult to predict how its regular use will affect your body.

Surgery and compression garments

The surgeon will tell you what to do if the veins in your leg hurt even after conservative treatment; in such cases, surgical intervention is indicated. In the most advanced situations, a vein can be removed from the leg, but, as a rule, minimally invasive treatment methods are used today, for example, laser correction, sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation. Postoperative period These manipulations are much less complex; in addition, a person’s motor activity is completely restored within a few weeks.

Sometimes patients suffering from pain in the veins are recommended to wear special compression garments. It allows you to properly distribute the load on the legs, relieves fatigue and swelling in the area of ​​the affected veins. Compression garments gradually remove inflamed veins that not so long ago protruded above the surface of the skin.

Traditional medicine

If for some reason you are unable to see a doctor for help, traditional remedies may also be suitable. Nature gives a person everything he needs to heal himself, so why ignore this opportunity. The following recipes have proven themselves to be the best:

  1. In case of cramps at night and severe spasms, it will relieve the condition lavender essential oil, ylang-ylang and cypress, applied under the knees.
  2. Helps reduce swelling vinegar compress, diluted in water.
  3. Relieve pain in veins and legs, will allow parsley lotion. To prepare it, you need to chop a handful of parsley and pour boiling water over it. Leave the product for 20 minutes, then fill it halfway with raw milk. Apply compresses to the legs and leave for half an hour. As a rule, this time is quite enough to relieve pain.
  4. Horse chestnut tincture considered an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Cotton cloth is soaked in liquid and applied as a lotion to the swollen vein.
  5. You can do it at night aloe compresses. The outer skin of the leaves of the plant is removed and the pulp is applied to the leg.
  6. Treatment of pain in the legs is carried out with the usual apples. Fresh fruits are crushed and mixed with black bread soaked in water. The resulting liquid is applied to the affected areas overnight.
  7. If there are no ulcers on the legs, and varicose veins have not yet appeared, it will help cope with the pain garlic and milk. Garlic is brewed in milk, after crushing the cloves to a pulpy state, and the pulp is applied to the sore legs. The liquid can be drunk; it can improve immunity and eliminate congestion in the veins.
  8. Honey- This is the most famous component that is used to make traditional traditional medicines. The best way to get rid of leg pain is honey mixed with onion juice. It has analgesic properties and is able to eliminate the inflammatory process.

The above recipes can temporarily improve your well-being, but they are not suitable as the main method of treatment. If the result is not observed within 5 days or you have additional symptoms, then stop self-medication and immediately go to see a doctor.

Preventive measures

Most diseases can be stopped at an early stage of their development or even prevented. If the veins in your legs hurt, then this is a good reason to see a doctor, because they indicate degenerative processes in the blood vessels. You can prevent the development of varicose veins by eating right and doing exercise. Increase the amount of vitamins in your diet, specifically A, C, E and group B. Reduce the amount of salt, caffeine and canned foods consumed, they clog blood vessels and provoke atherosclerotic accumulation. It is cholesterol, which is found in the above foods, that is a common cause of pain in the legs and blood vessels. Give up bad habits, toxic substances and tars that settle on blood vessels during smoking and drinking alcohol, contribute to stagnation and provoke pain, swelling and a feeling of fatigue in the limbs.

Concerning physical activity, then they need to be increased if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, and decreased if you work hard. When returning home, ignore the elevator and go up the stairs, this is the easiest and most accessible way of physical exercise for everyone. Sitting at your workplace, you can bend and straighten your legs at the knee under the table, rotate your feet and toes. Yes, at first glance, this is a trifle, but any manipulation of the legs while staying in one position for a long time improves blood circulation and prevents heaviness in the limbs.

Pain in the veins tells the body about fatigue - do exercises for your legs

Women should get rid of uncomfortable shoes; 89% of all women who sported stiletto heels in their youth, after 50 years old, face varicose veins and debilitating pain in the lower leg. The fact is that the muscles of the lower leg work on the principle of a pump; they push blood through the vessels back to the heart. If a woman is constantly wearing high heels, the legs and the lower leg muscles themselves work harder, and the vessels wear out faster, because they pump blood in huge volumes.

It is very important that you do not ignore the pain; it signals the limbs that they are tired and they need help. If a vein in your legs hurts, what to do, what to treat, you don’t know, after a hard day, take a relaxing bath with essential oils for the limbs or perform a light massage with tingling and tingling. This will increase blood flow to tired limbs, and a contrast shower will restore blood circulation in the limbs.

Now you know why your legs may hurt and how to treat them; accordingly, you will be able to stop degenerative changes in the body at an early stage and prevent serious complications. Pain in the leg is not a trifle, but a serious reason to seek treatment. medical care. Remember, if you do not solve the problem in time, it will only get worse; it is very important not to miss the moment when everything can still be corrected in a conservative way.

Just a little more - and real spring will come, with high-heeled shoes, short skirts and dreams of summer vacation. However, for many of us, “summer clothing” and the prospect of going to the beach are associated with discomfort and anxiety. It's all due to varicose veins.

How varicose veins begin

Christina has always lived easily. Fast as a moth, she moved through space with some extraordinary speed and always managed to do everything at work and at home: submit reports, buy groceries, check up on her son’s homework, and take care of her daughter at school. kindergarten run in. By inertia, she continued to live at the same speed, even when she began to feel that her legs, always so light and fast, were now getting tired and somehow unusually hurt...

Common situation? My feet begin to ache with some kind of dull “bursting” pain and swell in the evening so much that my usual shoes become too small. And one day, while trying on your favorite shoes, you suddenly notice that somewhere below the knees, bluish stars of small vessels appear from under the skin. So what are you doing?

You... don’t pay attention to this because you have children, worries, apartment renovations, urgent business trips and a lot of other important things to do. At the same time, you know very well (read, watched on TV) that there is such a disease - phlebeurysm, but you don’t compare your “nonsense problems” with this. But in vain! It is these symptoms that indicate chronic venous insufficiency, which over time leads to varicose veins.

A woman's problem?

The problem of “leg veins” is very, very common - according to statistics, up to 60% of the working population of industrialized countries faces it. Moreover, women suffer from this 1.5 times more often than men. Women are genetically more predisposed than men to dysfunction of the venous vessels, and in addition, pregnancy is a powerful provoking factor for chronic venous insufficiency.

Yes Yes! Most often, the problem manifests itself during this period and especially often in the later stages. However, in many women, “spiders” of blood vessels and veins protruding under the skin disappear after childbirth, but since the disease is chronic, this means that it can appear again.

Why are pregnant women at risk? Everything is very simple: among the risk factors are a sharp change in hormonal levels, additional heavy weight that expectant mothers gain in a short period, an increase in the volume of circulating blood (which also becomes more viscous), an increase in pressure on the pelvic veins due to growing fetus, decreased tone of the vascular wall.

This is why doctors recommend that women who have experienced symptoms in the past CVI (chronic venous insufficiency) and now planning a pregnancy, be sure to consult a phlebologist and take all precautions to avoid possible exacerbations as much as possible. The advanced stage of chronic venous insufficiency in some cases even serves as a contraindication to pregnancy - remember this!

CVI - chronic venous insufficiency is a syndrome characterized by long-term disruption of venous blood flow in the lower extremities and usually develops as a result of varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis.

Causes and Effects

In general, experts associate chronic venous insufficiency in both women and men primarily with heredity. In particular, if both parents have varicose veins in their legs, the risk of developing them in their offspring is 89%. If only one of the parents suffered from this, the risk is reduced to 47%.

A number of other factors also contribute to the development of the disease. First of all, these are the characteristics of the profession and lifestyle. If your job requires you to stand or sit for a long time, you are at risk. Judge for yourself - in 30 minutes of such a static state, the blood volume in the lower extremities increases by 250-300 milliliters, and the veins of our poor legs must stoically withstand this load! But there are millions of people in such professions. Here is another explanation for the high prevalence of vein problems.

Other risk factors:

  • Frequent air travel or car travel.
  • Low physical activity.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Obesity.
  • Staying in a hot climate.
  • Some types of hormonal contraception.

It is also worth mentioning the notorious environment, and our chronic diseases, and stress. Varicose veins often appear in old age, when adequate nutrition of the cells and tissues of the body is disrupted.

What happens to the vessels?

One way or another, the function of blood vessels decreases, their walls become permeable (hence the occurrence of edema), lose elasticity and narrow. Blood accumulates in certain areas, causing the vascular wall to bulge outward. Further, the vascular wall can become inflamed, causing pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The blood thickens and passes through the vessels more slowly, loading them with additional work. To compensate for the lack of oxygen flow to the organs, the heart begins to work in double mode. That is why it is better to “catch” the disease in the first stages, without waiting for the time when swollen varicose veins will not only spoil the aesthetics of your legs, but will also significantly worsen the quality of life.

Starts small, goes big

Chronic venous insufficiency is dangerous because, starting as ordinary fatigue and swelling of the legs, it can develop into much more serious problems if nothing is done. The development of venous insufficiency can be divided into three stages.

  • Initial stage. It is characterized by constant fatigue and tension in the legs, slight swelling in the ankle, dull pain from the knee and below. You should be concerned if so-called so-called rashes appear on the skin of your legs. spider veins (telangiectasia), and even more so if nodules and twisted ropes of veins begin to bulge under the skin.
  • Expressed stage. Trophic disorders appear (changes in the biochemical processes of vascular tissue). There is already severe swelling and severe pain, cramps, itching, and sometimes eczema. Vessels appear from under the skin as dark, convex nodules, and varicose veins stretch across the entire surface of the leg from top to bottom. It is at this stage that patients most often consult a doctor, and the main reason is aesthetic imperfections of the legs, and not pain at all.
  • Advanced stage. Alas, it is irreversible. Severe trophic disorders manifest themselves as constant swelling (even elephantiasis) of the legs, trophic ulcers, bleeding from varicose veins, deep vein thrombophlebitis.

I don’t want to scare anyone, but, as we see, both banal fatigue in the legs in the evening, and those very spider veins that we women, as a rule, do not pay attention to are a clear signal to see a doctor. Of course, if we don’t want to end up on a surgeon’s operating table in 5-6 years.

All doctors unanimously say: despite the fact that the disease is chronic, it is possible to stop the degradation processes and prevent further progression of chronic venous insufficiency if it is diagnosed in time. Usually the doctor prescribes duplex scanning(hardware examination of blood vessels) or USDG(ultrasound duplex scanning) with mapping (visualization). And these examinations give a 100% clear picture of the health or unhealthiness of your blood vessels.

A phlebologist is a highly specialized doctor who studies, diagnoses and treats varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, venous dysplasia and other venous diseases.

How are varicose veins treated?

Conservative methods. This is, first of all, compression and pharmacotherapy.

Compression is very important for supporting weak veins and consists of constantly wearing special tight knitwear throughout the day. For those who are horrified just by the thought of bandages, there are comfortable, beautiful, transparent tights and stockings - no one will ever guess that they are medicinal. Compression knitwear can improve blood circulation in the legs, reduce swelling and relieve heaviness and nagging pain, but, of course, does not in any way affect the condition of the vessels themselves and does not relieve inflammation.

Strengthening the vascular wall, reducing its permeability, returning the vessels to normal tone, removing stenosis (narrowing) and inflammation can only be done with the help of medications, namely, phlebotonics And phleboprotectors(from “protect” - to protect). Many doctors, given that treatment must be carried out long-term and regularly (on average 2-3 courses per year), prefer to prescribe natural preparations based on plant flavonoids. It is important to choose drugs that have proven clinical effectiveness and do not have side effects. Ointments and gels based on venoactive substances are also widely used.

If necessary or if there are complications, the doctor supplements treatment with diuretics, medications that thin the blood and improve microcirculation. However, at the first stage, only phleboprotectors are sufficient. The most important thing is to go to the phlebologist on time!

At the initial stage of CVI, the cosmetic defect is eliminated using the method electrocoagulation(by influencing blood vessels with electric current), and can also conduct sclerotherapy, during which a drug is injected into the diseased vein, which “glues” it together, after which the blood runs through other veins, and the “stars” and “strings” disappear from the surface of the leg. This method is not recommended for everyone; for some, it can lead to serious complications.

At the second and third stages of CVI, a different surgical operation is performed - phlebectomy, during which the diseased vein is ligated or completely removed. If earlier this operation required a large number of incisions, now, with the development of minimally invasive technologies, it is less traumatic.

A common disadvantage of all surgical operations is that if prevention is not followed, the problem can easily return after some time - the deeper veins will simply suffer.

What are the preventive measures?

Prevention is very simple. You need to move correctly and eat foods that are good for your veins. Among the sports that have a beneficial effect on venous vessels are swimming, race walking, walking, but weightlifting, tennis and high jumping are completely useless, because they only increase the load on the veins.

While working, especially if you have to sit or stand for a long time, try to move more: change your position, do not sit cross-legged, and do simple exercises several times a day. For example, step from foot to foot, walk quickly. The simple movements of Russian folk dance are very effective - foot on heel, on toe, on heel again with stamping of the feet. When your employees look surprised, respond by inviting them to stomp and dance together as industrial gymnastics!

A vein in my leg hurts - what to do? Many people face this question. The reasons for this condition may be associated with heavy loads or lack of useful substances. However, there are also dangerous situations in which the disease manifests itself with such signs. In this case, pain appears in the veins in the legs.

Why do the veins in my legs hurt? Such a manifestation signals changes in the patient’s blood vessels. The appearance of pain in the legs indicates the localization of the process. The development of pathology may be associated with problems in the blood circulation of the extremities. Often pain occurs with varicose veins, during the appearance of thrombosis or with the development of thrombophlebitis. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs should also be attributed to the causes of unpleasant sensations.

In addition to the listed factors, pain in a vein appears in the following cases:

  1. As a result of the injury.
  2. In women during pregnancy or due to labor.
  3. As a result of the appearance of excess body weight.
  4. Due to the presence of bad habits.
  5. With constant and hard work, strong physical stress.
  6. With hormonal changes.
  7. If there is a hereditary predisposition to diseases that affect blood vessels.

A sedentary lifestyle also leads to the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. However, the presence of physical activity in large quantities has a negative impact. Sitting or standing for a long time is also a risk group.

Women are most often affected by pain in the legs. This especially happens during pregnancy. Pain in the venous vessels is even a typical phenomenon of an interesting situation, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The fetus is actively developing, so the body needs to use all available resources. They are needed to provide the unborn child with the necessary nutrients. In this case, it is the mother who suffers, resulting in pain in the legs due to a lack of vitamins. In addition, women increase body weight, which increases the load on the legs and blood vessels. In order not to cause swelling of the legs, it is recommended not to drink large amounts of liquid during this period.

How do the patient’s veins hurt? The main symptoms of the pathological condition are associated with pain and discomfort. The pain syndrome is regular, but it may be present along with a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. After some time, the symptom intensifies, the symptoms become dull and aching. It is not uncommon to develop a sensation in which the blood vessels itch from the inside.

The pain syndrome often manifests itself during prolonged sitting or after waking up. The patient experiences difficulty while walking, the pain becomes twisting. Such symptoms often interfere with sleep, so the presence of sleep problems is a consequence of the present condition. The situation may appear external signs, in which swelling appears on the patient’s legs and blood vessels protrude strongly.

Thus, the first manifestations should force one to take appropriate measures. The patient should consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics, in which the causes can be detected, which allows the correct treatment to be prescribed. It is forbidden to ignore the development of the problem, as this can lead to a worsening of the condition. In this case, there is a possibility of complications that require long-term treatment.

Often you need to change your routine a little for the problem to go away on its own. However, such actions should be carried out after talking with a doctor and identifying the source of pain. Severe cases require adequate treatment with mandatory intervention from specialists.

The Foundation of Vascular Health Presented proper nutrition. This applies not only to the use healthy products, but also to enrich the body with vitamins that are needed for good development. This applies to vitamins A, B, C and E.

In addition, you should include in your diet foods that contain useful substances: selenium, calcium, rutin and others. It is necessary to be careful about foods that contain large amounts of cholesterol and fats. If absolutely necessary, such products should be significantly limited.

It is useful to eat the following fruits and berries, dry or fresh:

  1. Strawberries.
  2. Apples.
  3. Oranges.
  4. Kiwi.
  5. Pineapples.
  6. Peaches.
  7. Apricots.
  8. Plums.

Don't forget about vegetables and other foods. It is beneficial to eat nuts and the following vegetables:

  1. Cabbage.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Pumpkin.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Beetroot.

Fermented milk products are beneficial for blood vessels; this should not be forgotten. However, in addition to the permitted dishes, there are also prohibited ones. It is recommended to introduce restrictions on sweets, spicy foods and fried foods. The situation is similar with baked products and fatty meats. The listed products and dishes are allowed to be consumed, but you need to monitor the amount of food consumed and avoid overeating.

Another important tip concerns physical activity. Like foods with fats, exercise is useful when rationed. The body should not be overloaded, but lack of movement also harms a person. Given the difficult nature of work and profession, you should think about changing activities.

Women may experience discomfort due to the use of high-heeled shoes. What to do if the veins in your legs hurt in this case? To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you should avoid wearing such shoes. You need to use comfortable shoes that do not lead to fatigue and strain while walking.

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to weakness. Lack of stress negatively affects the blood vessels, which is why they tend to ask for help through pain. In the presence of pathologies that lead to difficulties during movement, even short walks are useful. You can use the following exercises:

  1. Shifting from foot to foot.
  2. Lifting legs alternately in a lying position.
  3. Walking on heels and toes.
  4. Shifting from heel to toe.
  5. Walking alternately on the inside and outside of the feet.

However, the measures presented are not enough if the inflammatory process is the cause of pain and the disease has developed to a significant stage. In this case, drug treatment is necessary, so you should seek help from a specialist.

How to treat veins on the legs? You should consult a doctor for medical help. Depending on the cause of the pathology, a specialist may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Ginkor Forte.
  2. Aescusan.
  3. Troxevasin.
  4. Detralex.
  5. Diclofenac.

They are also used in the medicinal method to eliminate pain, swelling and other manifestations. Medicines are presented in the form of creams and ointments for local use. Injections and tablets are available. The action of the latter drugs aims to eliminate blood clots that have appeared in the vessels. When using such medications, the blood thins, which eliminates the main manifestations of the disease.

We should not forget about folk recipes, but relying only on them is not recommended. A combination of medicinal and traditional methods gives a good effect. However, please note that some medications may not be combined with prescriptions, so using this treatment on your own is not recommended. You should definitely consult your doctor before using traditional recipes.

Balms and oils of medicinal plants are popular in folk medicine. The following components have a good effect:

  1. Ylang-ylang.
  2. Lavender oil.
  3. Mint.
  4. Cypress.
  5. Lemon and orange balms.

Tinctures have a good effect. How to use them? You should mix the main component with the additional one, let the product brew, after which you can use it. Alcohol or vodka is most often added to the main component, which is why tinctures are called alcohol tinctures. Such treatments include:

  1. Young walnuts.
  2. White acacia tincture.
  3. Use chestnut flowers and fruits, but it is recommended to take young ones.

There are other methods for eliminating pathologies that cause pain in. It is useful to use leeches, which bring relief after the first procedure. However, you should seek the help of special institutions that provide treatment with hirudotherapy. It is useful to combine the presented methods, which allows you to get the best result.

Thus, the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant signs in the vessels of the lower extremities are due to many factors. The patient may be exhausted due to heavy physical exertion or insufficient physical activity. The lack of nutrients also affects the patient's condition. However, there are often diseases that affect the vessels not only of the legs, but also of the whole body. In this case, the appearance of pain in the legs indicates the initial stage of the development of the pathology, so it is necessary to begin treatment of the leg. A visit to the doctor is necessary to accurately determine the cause. This helps improve the quality of treatment, and the result will be purely positive.

Sometimes pain in the legs is expressed not only in muscle fatigue or a feeling of heaviness: the veins can also hurt. Most often, people who develop varicose veins, caused by excessive stress on their legs, suffer from this. However, there are other reasons that cause localized pain and accompanying swelling. Therefore, let's look at the questions: what to do when a vein in the leg hurts.

The main causes of pain

Pain in the veins of the legs can occur for several reasons, which, as a rule, indicate serious problems. These include:

  1. 1. presence of varicose veins;
  2. 2. thrombosis of the vessel, thrombosis;
  3. 3. inflammatory process occurring in the walls of blood vessels;
  4. 4. circulatory disorders of the lower extremities.

You also need to pay attention to factors such as wearing uncomfortable shoes (this is especially true for having too much high heels and platforms, improper lifting), prolonged standing or sitting, lifting and carrying heavy objects, hormonal disorders in the body, excess weight. All this can also cause severe pain.

Pain in the veins is a consequence of a violation of the outflow of blood, the amount of which in it becomes increased. This contributes to the expansion of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to unpleasant pain. The pain is expressed in a specific sensation, as if the lower legs are being pulled. In especially severe cases, numbness is added to the pain.

That is why, when your veins hurt, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Is it possible to relieve the condition at home?

Prescribing treatment on your own or ignoring pain in the veins is strictly prohibited. Of course, if for some reason it is impossible to see a doctor in a timely manner, there are ways that will help you get rid of the pain for a while. It must be emphasized that in no case should they become the basis of treatment.

So, when veins hurt, independent measures may consist of the following:

  1. 1. apply ice or something cold to the sore vein. This will help relieve the pain for a short time;
  2. 2. lie down and in this position raise your legs up. Leave them for about 10-15 minutes. This simple exercise will help activate blood circulation;
  3. 3. apply a contrast shower, pouring over your legs from bottom to top and making sure that the pressure of the stream is not too strong;
  4. 4. take foot baths to help relieve fatigue, tension and pain.