XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi. XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi 19th Youth Festival of Youth and Students

From October 14 to October 22, Russia will host World Festival youth and students (VFMS). The procession of delegates will take place in the capital, the opening and most of the events will take place in Sochi. The congress will bring together 25 thousand young people from all over the planet, its main goal is to establish mutual understanding between representatives of different cultures and religions. According to preliminary estimates, representatives from 150 countries will take part in the event, and 8 thousand volunteers will ensure its implementation.

Sochi is the capital of the festival in 2017

Russia received the right to host the festival in May 2016. The Russian Federation’s application was the only one that was unanimously approved by the festival’s preparatory committee, which met in Caracas (Venezuela). Vladimir Putin personally made the proposal to hold the WFMS in Russia. After submitting the application, he discussed the goals and content of the festival with representatives of the youth associations that will organize it.

The head of state emphasized: during international events, Russia must show its best sides and successes, demonstrate its desire for international cooperation and the development of the youth movement. The festival will open with the Student Parade, which will take place on October 14 on Red Square. The festivities will continue on Vorobyovy Gory, which overlooks the main building of Moscow State University - a symbol of Russian students.

Further events will take place in . After the 2014 Olympics, the resort still has international-level infrastructure, which allows it to host large-scale events without extra costs. Festival participants will stay in hotels in the Olympic Village. Exhibitions, lectures, and concerts will also be held here. The Rosa Khutor ski resort, located half an hour from Sochi, will become a venue for sporting events.

Program of events

The festival is dedicated to topics that are relevant among young people:

  • Culture and globalization ( cultural heritage nations, communication between representatives of different cultures, creativity);
  • Economics, development;
  • Knowledge economy (education, new technologies, ideas and discoveries);
  • Public sector, charity and volunteering;
  • Politics and security.

The festival will include art and scientific exhibitions, open lectures, and creative master classes. Russian culture will present a jazz concert, ballet or ice show, film screenings and circus performances. The sports program includes a cycling marathon, competitions in game and extreme sports. The exact schedule of events will appear after the second preparatory meeting, which will take place on October 30 in Namibia.

The main part of the 2017 Festival will take place in Sochi and

Festival Ambassadors

The event was supported by well-known personalities in Russia and abroad:

  • Yana Churikova- TV presenter and journalist.
  • Irina Slutskaya- figure skating champion.
  • Edgard Zapashny– People's Artist of the Russian Federation, director of the Moscow Circus.
  • Elena Slesarenko- High jump champion.
  • Ahmad Alhendawi– Representative of the UN Secretary General on Youth.

How to get to the festival?

To become a participant in the event, you need to meet a number of requirements:

  • Your age is 18-35 years old;
  • You have a favorite hobby and an active life position;
  • You respect your country and the international community.

The last requirement is to belong to one of the groups of active youth:

  1. Heads of youth non-profit organizations or political parties;
  2. Media workers, artists, writers, filmmakers, etc.;
  3. Organizers of sports sections;
  4. Engineers;
  5. University teachers, research fellows, members of student government;
  6. Entrepreneurs;
  7. Foreigners interested in Russian language and culture.

Flyer inviting participation in the world youth festival

Participants will be able to stay and eat for free in the Olympic Village, as well as attend all festival events. Foreigners will enter Russia without a visa. If you meet the requirements and would like to participate in the festival, fill out the form at russia2017.com/#/members. Candidates will then undergo correspondence and face-to-face interviews.

How to become a volunteer?

Another way to get to the festival is through volunteering (doing organizational work for free). Volunteers can become active Russians over 18 years of age who own foreign language and want to try their hand at one of the following areas of work:

  • Transport logistics
  • Holding and servicing events, including parades in Moscow
  • Medical support for the festival
  • Meeting and accompanying foreign delegations
  • Working with journalists
  • Working with volunteers
  • Catering and accommodation for participants
  • Translation for festival staff and delegates
  • Creating a festive atmosphere in Sochi (“city volunteers”)

Recruitment of volunteers will begin in October 2016. Everyone must fill out a form on the website. The best applicants will undergo an in-person or online interview, followed by training at centers that will open throughout the country. Participation in the festival will give volunteers an unforgettable experience and new acquaintances. “Silver volunteers” - experienced volunteers who worked at international conventions during the Soviet era - will be involved in organizing events.

Festival organizers

The main organizer of the event is the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFYD). It includes domestic left-wing youth organizations:

  • Russian Komsomol (RKSM)
  • Leninist Communist Youth Union (LKSM RF)
  • Youth Union "Fair Force"

The application for the festival was supported by the Russian Youth Union and the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations. The chairman of the latter department, Grigory Petushkov, headed the National Preparatory Committee for the event. According to the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, Russian students will play an important role in organizing the festival. He suggested that the management involve students in organizing events.

Preparation for the festival

Events dedicated to the festival are in full swing. On October 12, 2016, a meeting of festival ambassadors was held in Moscow. On October 10-13, participants of the “Russia – a Sports Power” forum covered a 2017-meter distance in honor of the festival. On October 14, the youth celebrated the year before it began with a concert on Vorobyovy Gory. WFMS will be the leading theme of the “In Contact” festival, which will take place in St. Petersburg in the summer of 2017. Postage stamps and a commemorative coin dedicated to the student event will appear in Russia.

History of the festival

The World Festival of Youth and Students is a congress of youth associations of a “left” (socialist or communist) orientation. It was first held in 1947 in the Czech capital under the leadership of democratic youth and student organizations. The slogan of the event was: “For peace and friendship.”

Russia hosted the Festival of Youth and Students back in Soviet times

In the first decades of its existence, the festival took place every two years. It gathered representatives of communist, socialist and anti-fascist youth associations. Participants included members of radical movements, some of which were banned in their countries. The leading themes of the festival were international cooperation and the fight against fascism.

Russian-Kazakh deaf youth

With Christophe

Each participant went to the festival in his own direction, and there were a lot of directions:
. The future of science and global education
. Designing the Future: Architecture and Design
. Future technologies
. Ecology and health
. New media
. Civic Development Platform
. International cultural space
. Economics for future development
. Global politics and its agenda: how to protect the world
. Industries of the future
. Aviation of the future
. The global rail network: bringing the future closer
The festival venues were the Olympic Park and various objects. Every day there were lectures, panel discussions, master classes, business games, sports and art, music, dance, literature, cinema. It is noteworthy that a festival participant could visit any venue, even not in his field; in this regard, the participants were given freedom.
The festival was attended by various star speakers, for example: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova, head of the LDPR faction Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, Australian motivational speaker with the absence of four limbs Nick Vujicic, French writer Frederic Beigbeder , actor Sergei Bezrukov, athletes Elena Isinbaeva, Alexander Karelin, Sergei Karyakin... and many others who explained, taught and inspired us!

Nick Vujicic

Unfortunately, for us, deaf participants, there were no professional Russian Sign Language interpreters, and for Christophe - an International Sign Language interpreter. They provided only two volunteers who knew only a little sign language and, accordingly, complex topics and the terminology was not translated as we would like. Because of this, there was a shortage and distortion of information; we did not receive it fully, because there were many sites, the deaf were dispersed, volunteers were not always with us, and in the end we had to get out ourselves. It’s good that Vera Samsonova and Anna Prokhorenko were hard of hearing, and at some sites they were able to translate themselves.

Vera Samsonova translates for Maxim Barsukov

In the first days of the festival, so many people came, even more than planned, so not everyone had enough equipment. Participants were given polo T-shirts, sweatshirts, vests, caps, bags, Irbis smartphones with festival symbols and gift boxes containing diaries, pens, colored pencils and, most importantly, a badge for participating in the World Festival of Youth and Students. They also gave out free tickets to attractions at Sochi Park, known as the best amusement park in Russia.

Participant's equipment and kit

It was not so easy to get to the opening and closing ceremonies of the festival. Since Russia was the host country, most of the tickets were given to foreign participants and guests. As a result, not all Russian participants were able to attend the ceremony; each delegation was allocated a certain number of tickets. And then they were distributed - sometimes by drawing lots, sometimes through selection according to their own internal criteria.
The opening ceremony was designed as a theatrical performance with show elements, with thematic designation of pressing problem areas in the world: ecology, poverty, education, energy, information, science. Russian President Vladimir Putin also made a welcoming speech and announced the opening of the festival. And at closing the main actors The closing ceremony was attended by festival participants, volunteers and music - as one of the main elements that unites people around the world.

The opening ceremony

Each day at the festival was dedicated to certain continents and countries. For example, October 15 was Middle East Day, October 16 was America's Day, October 17 was Africa Day, October 19 was Asia and Oceania Day, and October 20 was Europe Day. And finally, October 21 is Russia Day. On each of these days, the history, politics, art, and culture of those countries located on the selected continents were studied. Literally in the corridors of the huge media center they sang songs, danced, played games and did much more, thereby showing the unity and friendship of peoples.
Despite the fact that there were disadvantages, we all received a lot of impressions from the festival. We gained some experience, new acquaintances (mere communication with Christophe from Jamaica was worth it, and he is also a deaf lawyer in his country), new ideas, emotions, motivation and inspiration! I would like to thank all the organizers of such a cool festival, all the volunteers, speakers, participants and deaf friends who were with us for 10 days! Without all of you, such an unforgettable festival would not have taken place!

Becoming a participant in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students is an honorable mission. We have already made history for at least the first twenty years of the 21st century! And perhaps as the first deaf participants to participate in such a festival. Of course, we are all proud to have attended this large-scale event. We also went there with the goal of being an example for other deaf people. We wanted to try it on ourselves and show that such international festivals It is possible to become deaf among the hearing people, if you only have a strong desire!
We want and encourage deaf youth to apply and participate in various hearing forums and festivals! So that there are more of us deaf people there, so that everyone can see us - and know that our youth are also active and strong in their work. Because it is at events among the hearing people that you can see and gain much more knowledge, experience and connections that can help you in your future activities. There is no need to be shy about such events, you need to get out of your comfort zone and go against everything! And then the deaf will be equal to everyone else, because together we are strong!
Festival, you are forever in our hearts!

Vera Samsonova,
Head of Smolensk Youth of the Deaf

The Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi has ended: 30 thousand young people from all over the world gathered for a week in our country. Lectures, seminars, joint projects. Discussion of the future includes technology, politics, and what society will be like. They developed a common vision.

But something else is even more important. The youth festival is such diplomacy on top of official structures. Today these guys are studying or just starting to work, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow they will occupy serious positions in their countries - in business, in politics. And these guys don't get instructions from Washington. At least for now.

Without cooperation there will be trouble, Vladimir Putin said in his speech at a meeting of the Valdai Club. Western politicians are captured by stereotypes. But these young people will destroy stereotypes. These young people understand that justice is needed, huge inequality needs to be overcome. We need to work together. And don't scare each other.

They were sure that something extraordinary awaited them in Russia. But this turned out to be beyond expectations. The whole week is breathtaking! Sochi-2017.

The final point in a marathon of ideas, discoveries, music, sports, cinema, dating and conversations about everything in the world. The closing ceremony is like a manifesto for youth: let's take it and change this world!

It's getting louder in the stands - that's how this week has brought them together. At the closing ceremony there are no longer delegations, countries and continents. Everything is mixed up - there are simply a lot of new friends here, whom you really don’t want to part with after the hot festival days.

Festival participants in a group photograph with the President of Russia. To accommodate everyone, they did it on the medal square, from an airship. In ultra high quality. You can see everyone who was in the Olympic Park.

“I know that an unusual, absolutely unusual energy reigned at the festival, just as it reigns today in this square. This is the energy of the young! I am sure that when you leave Russia, you will leave a piece of your heart here. But Russia will always remain in your heart. We believe in you! Future starts here and now. Future is you. All the best, dear friends. All the best. Thank you,” the President of Russia addressed the Festival participants.

25 thousand people from 188 countries. If you look for them all on the globe, your head will spin.

Greetings from Jamaica! I am from India! I'm from Liberia! I came from Libya.

So different, and this is the first surprise of the festival. It seems that it’s not the middle of the last century, in every phone for a long time already the whole world. But it’s a completely different matter to see it live. And look into the eyes - a reflection of peoples and civilizations.

“As you know, we are at war, but we want to show that it will end soon and everything will be fine with us. We were greeted very warmly. Russia and Syria are friends!” - says Zeina Nabil Rustum, a participant of the Festival from Syria.

It turned out that they had the same experiences inside. Same dreams. How to get through to them if you get off the ground is a problem - said Australian Nick Vujicic. The writer, philanthropist and speaker worked to break with the audience. They listened to him with bated breath, he spoke about what is close to everyone.

“I want to ask you, who are you today and who do you want to become? Go towards your goal step by step. If you fall, get up. Don't make excuses and dream big, even if your parents don't believe in you. Mine thought I was crazy when I said I wanted to be a speaker. And today I have traveled all over the world, and I believe that the future belongs to your generation. With the permission of the person sitting next to you, hug him or shake his hand. I want to see the love spread throughout the room!” - said writer, philanthropist Nick Vujicic.

The stars came to the festival for a frank conversation. What is the strength and who is the hero of our time? The writer Frederic Beigbeder could become an anti-example. A fashionista, a cynic, a bon vivant, he even spent two days in a Paris prison for drug use. He was talking about the line between freedom and responsibility.

“When you're 20, it's good, you're sensitive. I experienced all my deepest emotions when I was young, before I was 25. You feel emotions, beauty, sadness, madness, humor, anger. You are young, you are attractive, so don’t waste your time - don’t listen to the advice of some old French guy,” says writer Frederic Beigbeder.

We listened. Authoritative experts - in art, sports, science, politics. Ministers and Olympic champions, heads of large corporations and astronauts, Nobel laureates, actors... It would seem, who at the resort can you lure to a lecture?! But the halls are filled to capacity.

They also gained new knowledge about Russia. Not lectures - practice. For the first time at the festival, trips to 15 regions of the country. From Kaliningrad to Vladivostok!

“I was in Siberia, in Krasnoyarsk. It was so great! I was greeted so friendly!” - said Festival participant from Australia Natalie Buckman.

Superfestival - that's what they called it. The air here was saturated with the idea: young people love everything. Hundreds of projects from volunteerism to nuclear energy were presented in Sochi. We prepared the ground for working together - building the future. What this world will be like depends on them. Therefore, at a seminar on future technologies, the president addressed young people. With an important note.

“Regardless of what we do or will do in the future, do you know what it is? This is the moral component of our business. Anyone. Genetic engineering is so good. But there is another component to this process. What does it mean? This means that a person acquires the ability to get into the genetic code created either by nature, or people with religious views say - by God. What practical consequences can come from this? This means that it is already possible to imagine it, even not very theoretically, but it is already possible to practically imagine that a person can create a person with given characteristics. This could be a brilliant mathematician, it could be a brilliant musician, but it could also be a military man. A person who can fight without fear and without feelings of compassion, regret and without pain. And what I just said can be worse than a nuclear bomb. When we do something and no matter what we do, I want to repeat this thought once again: we should never forget about the moral and ethical foundations of our business. Everything we do should benefit people, strengthen people, and not destroy them,” the Russian President emphasized.

They talked not only about projects - they shared their impressions.

“It was a wonderful week for me. But the question from all of us is: how to continue this work? And today we have with us one of those people who make decisions, the President of Russia. Mr. President, I really hope that you will hear the voices of the entire festival and I hope that you and your colleagues, the leaders of other countries, will reflect on the changes that need to be achieved,” said Fraser Dixon (Canada).

Our love's battery has run out!

In fact, they have more than enough energy. And then there’s an unexpected additional charge of emotions.

The President is in front of me Russian Federation! I don't believe!

Pinch me!

For many, this festival week is truly like a dream come true!

Tanzania thanks for the festival, for the forum where young people from all over the world meet!

I want to thank the organizers! A first-class world event, young people gathered here, we discuss the future.

“This is very important for us, because this is exactly the result we were counting on. We expected young people from all over the world to come. They will communicate with each other and establish direct contacts. They will disperse and take with them the memory that these contacts took place in Russia, they will take away good memories of our country,” Vladimir Putin noted.

After a personal meeting, it is easier to answer the question: who are you, Mr. Putin?!

“He’s like a pop star - that’s what I thought at first. But then I realized that this was a simple person who came to communicate with us, just like us. I think Vladimir Putin is a president who cares about his people. He cares about peace and cooperation with other countries,” says Festival participant from Brazil Marcio Tavares de Souza.

“He is a very smart man, perhaps the last leader of the free world. He put Russia back on the map of world power, world superpower to be precise,” said festival participant Boyan Novak from Slovenia.

“Thank you to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for such a platform. He is truly an example for many politicians in the world, he is a patriot of his country,” said Festival participant from Afghanistan Mohamad Tamirn Ekhlas.

Only without the Iron Curtain! Foreigners did not bring jeans and chewing gum to this festival, as in 1957. On the contrary, they studied our native land with pleasure.

I see meat, but what is this...? - Buckwheat! - Buckwheat?

This is my first snow in my life! He's amazing! And delicious too!

This is no longer a thaw - a turbulent global flow, and in it Russian youth are like fish in water. In this whirlpool of events, incredible meetings took place. After 60 years, the Italian and Russian participants of the 1957 Festival met!

If only there was internet in their time, we wouldn’t have to wait so long. Today, people exchange addresses not by postal address, but by electronic one, and instead of paper photo albums, they exchange memories that do not fade with time.

And where would we be without love stories?! A delegate from Kenya proposed marriage right outside the hotel. She said, "Yes."

And someone else still has trips to see friends, and more!

Veronica, come to me in China, in Beijing!

I would like to invite my girlfriend to Zimbabwe. Will you go?

Anything is possible.

From Russia with love. This festival preserved the best traditions of the Moscow meetings of 1957 and 1985, but turned the idea of ​​the forum upside down, showing what a global platform the World Festival of Youth and Students can be.

“Since I spent the whole week here at the festival, I had many opportunities to talk with both Russian participants and foreign participants. I understand for sure that they left with such a good charge of optimism and energy. Well, for foreign participants, I am absolutely sure that for 99% of them today they understand differently what Russia is. The guys from different countries talk about what they thought about Russia, primarily due to what their media in the country show and write, and how radically different what they saw,” said the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration, head of the organizing committee for preparation and holding of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in 2017 Sergei Kiriyenko.

Through the years, across distances and through prejudices - this is the meaning of the festival! Saying goodbye is not the endgame. And only the beginning of their new life line...


The route is 8 kilometers long from Vasilyevsky Spusk Square along the Kremlin, Prechistenskaya, Frunzenskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments to the Luzhniki sports complex. The procession will be attended by professional groups and up to 45,000 young people, as well as heads of youth policy departments from around the world.

The opening column will feature a reenactment of the 1957 festival parade. also in carnival procession Countries that host major world-famous carnivals will be represented: Italy – Venice Carnival, India – Holi, Brazil – Rio Carnival, PARADE-CARNIVAL, Japan – Cherry Blossom Festival and others. Russia will present a festival of orchestras at the procession. The carnival will end with a grand concert on the territory of the Southern Sports Center of the Luzhniki Sports Complex, in which stars of the domestic pop scene will take part. Admission to the concert is free. For details about the concert in Luzhniki, follow the link to ALLfest.

Live broadcast from Luzhniki concert in support of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 can be watched online on our portal .


(Producer of the ceremonies - Igor Krutoy, director - Alexey Sechenov).

The Opening Ceremony performance will be built around real stories people who change lives for the better: among them Afroz Shah from India, who removed 5.4 tons of garbage from a Mumbai beach in 86 weeks, Roman Gek from Russia, who built a school in Nepal in 2 years, the founders of the charity foundation for supporting children with special needs “I Am!” Egor Beroev And Ksenia Alferova and others. Popular music stars will perform at the opening ceremony. For example, Dima Bilan, Nyusha, Polina Gagarina, Sergey Lazarev, Alexander Panayotov, Quest Pistols Show, Tina Kuznetsova, Guru Groove Foundation, Lena Katina, Morandi. Headliner ceremonies - group OneRepublic!

Live broadcast of the Opening Ceremony of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students watch online at ALLfestpo link!


  • Goals and achievements of the Great October Socialist Revolution
  • Exhibition dedicated to the Soviet era
  • Exhibition dedicated to the life of Ernesto Che Guevara
  • Ernesto Che Guevara's legacy in the youth movement
  • Special exhibition dedicated to the VI and XII All-Russian FMS, held in the USSR
  • And much more
  • The struggle to maintain sovereignty, independence and self-determination
  • Friendship of peoples and the fight against fascism, racism, discrimination and xenophobia
  • Vulnerability of youth and youth unemployment: ways to solve these problems
  • The role of youth in the struggle to achieve peace and international solidarity
  • The role of the USSR in the victory over Nazism and fascism
  • Healthy lifestyle is a national problem of modern society
  • National cultural values ​​– traditions, memory and identity
  • And much more
  • The role of youth in the fight for gender equality
  • The tradition of the student movement, its history and prospects
  • Che and the Cuban Revolution
  • Fight all bad habits
  • And much more
  • Student movement in the struggle for free and high-quality public education. The struggle of young people for free and universal access to health care, education, science, culture and information.
  • Illiteracy in the 21st century and the fight against it
  • A scientific view of global space
  • The struggle of humanity against extremism and the system that generates terrorism
  • And much more
  • Young trade unionists
  • Rights of young people regarding access to sports and cultural spheres
  • Integration of youth with trade unions
  • The contribution of the USSR to the struggle of national liberation movements
  • Exploitation of child labor and children's rights
  • And much more
  • Scientific and technological progress and its impact on the environment
  • Environment and development in service of youth and humanity as a whole
  • The WFMS movement and its history
  • Climate change and measures to combat it
  • People should have free access to water as a common resource
  • The impact of social media on society
  • Humanity's struggle against wars, invasions and occupations
  • And much more
  • Water as a universal resource. Fight against privatization of water resources
  • Against any attempts to falsify history and revise the results of World War II
  • And much more

Download discussion program FestivalBy link.


October 16Jazz festival Sochi Jazz Festival under creative direction people's artist Russia Igor Butman

17 OctoberContemporary Music Festival(singer Polina(Great Britain), Lena Katina, Faydee(Australia) and other artists)


  • Space "New Theater"
  • Dance Academy
  • International youth film forum
  • Art center
  • Youth Photo Center
  • Interactive platform “Library of the Future”
  • Street culture festival “More Jam”


Special project Robotics Showcase and battle of robots in Sochi – 2017

Download cultural program FestivalBy link



  • World GTO
  • Workout area
  • Mini-football tournament “Towards the 2018 FIFA World Cup”
  • Interactive zone of the Silk Way Rally Marathon
  • Street basketball zone
  • Interactive zone of the Federation of Dance Sports and Acrobatic Rock and Roll
  • Master classes and training in the basics of playing hockey
  • Mass skating and figure skating master classes
  • Zone extreme species sports
  • Zone national species sports and sports entertainment
  • Demonstration program of the Russian Union of Martial Arts
  • Interactive computer sports zone
  • Table tennis
  • Chess room
  • Board games area
  • Collective training
  • Eco race


Festival run with Match TV. To participate, you must register on the Runfest2017.ru website before October 15. If for some reason you cannot complete online registration, you can submit your application in the Main Grandstand building of the Sochi Autodrom on October 15 from 9.00 to 20.00. When registering, one of two distances is available – 2017 meters or 4000 meters. The distance for 2017 meters is not competitive, for 4000 meters the winners will be determined. The race is inclusive, everyone can take part in it, including people with disabilities. disabilities health.

16 October at 9:45 all registered participants are expected at the start of the Festival race on the Formula 1 track.

Program race:

  • 09:00 – 20:00 Registration and issuance of starter kits
  • 07:00 – 10:00 Registration and issuance of starter kits
  • 9:00 – 12:00 Opening of locker rooms and storage rooms
  • 10:20 – 10:50 Official opening Race
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Gathering of participants in the 2017 m and 4000 m races in the starting area
  • 11:00 START OF THE 2017 m and 4000 m RACE
  • 11:30 Closing finish of the Race
  • 12:00 Closing of the Race
  • 21:00 Award ceremony for the winners of the Festival Run at a distance of 4 km ( Main stage Festival).

October 16– Opening of the “Dancing Planet”. Interactive zone of the Federation of Dance Sports and Acrobatic Rock and Roll

October 21– Final of the mini-football tournament “Towards the 2018 FIFA World Cup”


The speakers of the scientific and educational program, in particular, will be a motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, Director General of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Marco Lambertini, Director of foreign policy Google Avni Doron, writer Frederick Begbekder, FIFA Secretary General Samura Fatma).

  • Science and breakthrough technologies of the future - changing the world now
  • Biomedical Sciences Today – Quality of Life Tomorrow
  • How to become a Nobel laureate?
  • Barriers for young scientists in science
  • Scientific Stand-up or Spectator Science slam
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of science
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of education

Designing the Future: Architecture and Design

  • Designing a global future: challenges and prospects in the field of architecture, urbanism, design
  • Where is modern fashion leading us and where do trends come from?
  • Contemporary art as one of the key media about the world
  • Cultural code in design. The influence of West and East on world design
  • Development strategy for future territories
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of architecture and design

Future technologies

  • 12 technology trends that will shape our future
  • The process of the inevitable. How innovations are created: invent, implement and use
  • Quantum breakthrough: hype or a new round of evolution?
  • Transport technologies of the future
  • “Digital transformation: time to change”
  • International scientific and practical conference “XXI century: youth of intellect”
  • Presentation of the vision for future technology development

Ecology and health

  • Modern epidemics and other global health threats
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • When the whole world is in panic: mental health and well-being
  • The future is near: environmental trends. Will we save the planet?
  • Presentation of the vision of the future ecological state of the planet
  • Presentation of the vision for the future development of the global healthcare system

New media (Youth Media Center)

  • Robots are coming: what awaits us tomorrow?
  • The fight for attention: how to attract an audience?
  • Truth and lies in modern journalism
  • How does art shape the moral agenda of society?
  • Hero of our time: who is he?

Civic Development Platform

  • Civic engagement is the path to a stable society
  • Charity and philanthropy
  • How creativity becomes a mechanism to help those in need
  • Humanitarian Law: Working in Humanitarian Crisis Zones Using Real Stories as an Example
  • Inclusive practices: “Everyone can be a volunteer”
  • Presentation of the vision for the future development of civil society

International cultural space

  • World culture: global challenges – panel discussion (October 16 - Frederick Beigbeder, Vladimir Medinsky)
  • Culture: freedom vs responsibility
  • Culture – a world without borders
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of world culture

Economics for future development

  • Future Project Generator
  • Solving global problems of our time
  • Future Me: Personal Strategy in a Changing World
  • The technological future through the eyes of youth
  • Global trends: challenges and windows of opportunity
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of the global economy

Global politics and its agenda: how to protect the world

  • Participation of youth in social design of territorial development
  • State development strategy through the eyes of youth
  • Transformation of public administration in the world: search for new models of democracy, participation of youth in government
  • IT as the weapon of tomorrow
  • Sustainable development for everyone
  • Presentation of the vision for the future of global politics

Speaker of the site – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Industries of the future

  • Intellectual duel. Battle of ideas
  • Prospects and potential of man and humanity
  • Image of the future
  • Presentation of the vision of the future of humanity and organizations

Aviation of the future

  • Hybrid powertrains
  • Aviation metamaterials
  • Hypersonic aircraft
  • World trends and advanced technologies in industrial development
  • Digital technologies: challenges and opportunities
  • Presentation of the vision for the future of aviation

The global rail network: bringing the future closer

  • The era of new technologies, digitalization of the railway industry
  • Theory of generations and transformation of professions: challenges, objectives, advantages
  • World railway transport system: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Future railways world by 2030
  • Interaction of civilizations
  • Presentation of the vision of the global transport network


For the first time in the history of the festival movement, the entire country will be involved in the grandiose youth festival. As part of the festival, from October 14 to October 17, 2017, it is planned to hold regional program for more than 1,500 foreign participants who came to WFMS 2017. In the first three days of their stay in Russia, they will visit 15 different regions of the Russian Federation and will have an additional opportunity to see the country from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Cities of the regional program

15 different regions take part in the program. In each of them, participants will be offered a discussion and educational program with a specific thematic focus:

Velikiy Novgorod. A healthy generation in a healthy world

Vladivostok. The future of science and global education

Ekaterinburg. The Future of Science and Global Education; Industries of the future;

Izhevsk Culture of peace. Peoples who live together

Kazan. Tradition and technology

Kaliningrad. Economics for future development; Global politics and its challenges

Krasnoyarsk Universiade 2019. Towards the world!

Makhachkala. Culture of peace. General traditions

Orenburg. Economy of the future. Innovative enterprises as development drivers

Novosibirsk. The future of science and global education

Rostov-on-Don. Culture of peace. General traditions

Saint Petersburg. Designing the future: architecture and design; International youth policy

Sevastopol. A story that unites the world

Tyumen. Youth creativity and creative spaces

Yaroslavl. Culture of peace. Stories and traditions

A detailed program in Russian cities is available on the official website of the festival at this link.


Rock orchestra. Festival participants will gather a large rock orchestra on stage, which will perform the world's best hits.

Ceremony producer - Igor Krutoy, director of ceremonies – Alexey Sechenov

One of the key elements Ceremonies will be a message "Let's change the world" which will be compiled by the participants. It will bring together dreams, wishes and hopes related to changing the world. World-famous artists will perform at the closing ceremony, in particular, 25-year-old Rochelle Perts– the most popular R’n’B singer in Holland.

Download the festival program in format. pdf you can follow this link.

Program Festival By days

XIX World The festival of youth and students will be held in Russia in 2017.

This decision was made February 7, 2016 The World Federation of Democratic Youth and international student organizations at an international consultative meeting on the holding of the XIX Festival. The application of youth organizations to host the Festival was submitted by Rosmolodezh on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin in November 2015.

For the third time in the history of the festival movement, Russia will become the host of the largest international event in the field of youth interaction. It is especially important for us that 2017 is an anniversary year not only for the festival itself (the first one took place in 1947), but also for Russian history. We first opened our doors to the youth of the entire planet 60 years ago. The Moscow scale then amazed the world and in many ways became a reference point and a high bar for future festival capitals.

By preserving all the best festival traditions and synthesizing them with important modern trends, Russia will once again become a hospitable host for representatives of all continents!

Festival infrastructure

All main events of the festival will take place on the territory of the modern Olympic Park, which was built in the Imereti Lowland in Sochi. The infrastructure has been created in such a way that it essentially represents a “city within a city”: participants will stay in comfortable hotels, and discussion platforms, work centers and leisure facilities will be within walking distance. Well-established air services connect Sochi with Moscow and dozens of other cities, and with the help of modern railway transport you can easily reach the city center or Rosa Khutor, the so-called Mountain Cluster.

All facilities were specially built for the XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic Games. In 2014, Sochi amazed the whole world. The festival pursues an ambitious goal - to fully meet the level set during sports competitions.

Red Square, Moscow

The center and heart of not only Moscow, but all of Russia. It is difficult to list all the significant events that took place here or are connected with the history of Red Square. There is much debate about the origin of its name, but most historians are of the same opinion: Red from the word Beautiful.

Here is the starting point of all tourist routes - both for Russians and for guests of our country - and here is the starting point for all highways- "Zero kilometer". St. Basil's Cathedral and red brick walls of the Kremlin, Gothic facade of the Main Kremlin General Store and the building of the Historical Museum (by the way, this is where the world-famous and oldest University in Russia, Moscow University, was originally located).

It is especially symbolic that here, near the first building of the University October 14, 2017 and the Student Parade will begin, which will serve as the start of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students.

Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow

Years passed... Moscow University became bigger and bigger. At first, he occupied several buildings on Mokhovaya Street, opposite the Kremlin, and in the mid-fifties of the 20th century (just on the eve of the first youth festival for our country) he acquired a new house, which to this day is one of the calling cards not only of Moscow , but of all Russian students and youth.

The famous high-rise building has secured the title of the tallest building in Europe for half a century. Today's university is even larger and occupies the entire vicinity of Vorobyovy Gory. The population of this “micro-city”, together with all the students, teachers and staff, is approaching one hundred thousand. The vast square in front of the University is formed by the intersection of several streets and a large park.

This is a favorite walking place not only for students, but also for all Muscovites and tourists. Of course, from the lookout on the Vorobyovs - the whole city is at your fingertips! October 14, 2016 this is where the biggest events took place holiday events“One year until the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students!” Its participants started the countdown of time; the clock in the shape of a festival daisy throughout the year became another decoration of Vorobyovy Gory!

Olympic Park, Sochi

Before the Olympics in Sochi, the world was perplexed: how can winter competitions be held in a subtropical climate? It's simple! Directly by the sea, among the palm trees, the Olympic Park was built with indoor stadiums and facilities, inside of which their own microclimate was created.

Real winter is in the mountains - just half an hour away, but more on that later. The compactness and logistics of the Olympic Park will allow the festival to be held conveniently and safely. The warm Black Sea breeze will be a constant companion for the participants.

Navigation between hotels and facilities is clear and logical. October in Sochi is the end of the so-called “velvet season”. Guests from the south will not feel cool, and our northern colleagues will not feel the sweltering heat. It is not for nothing that Sochi is crossed by the central 45th parallel.

Rosa Khutor, Sochi

30 minutes by train from the Olympic Park or the airport and you are in the very center of Krasnaya Polyana. Welcome to the Rosa Khutor mountain resort! Main ski resort Russia and the CIS really knows how to impress at any time of the year. This is where festival participants can expect numerous sports activities, the emotions and impressions of which will remain in their memory for a long time!

Date and place

Welcome to Russia! We are waiting for you in Sochi! See you at the festival!