Yagudin year of birth. Alexey Yagudin: A large family needs a big house

He is an Honored Master of Sports, who completed his sports career in 2002. After that, he took part in various professional tournaments for some time, then became a TV presenter.

The childhood of the future skater

Alexey Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. He is the only child in the family. Mom's name is Zoya Alekseevna. The woman was research fellow at the Leningrad Institute of Automation and Informatics. Their father left them when Lesha was four years old. The boy was often sick, so his mother took him to the Yubileiny skating rink, hoping that sport would improve his health. Then the kid dreamed of becoming a truck, bus or taxi driver, so no one could have imagined great success in figure skating.

Alexey Yagudin. Biography and beginning of a sports career

Lesha’s first coach was Master of Sports Alexander Viktorovich Mayorov. He worked with the boy for eight years, and when he decided to move to Switzerland, he left the promising athlete to his famous teacher Alexei Mishin. This legendary coach has trained many successful athletes.

The group consisted of talented competitors, which stimulated Lesha, and he began to develop quickly. Under Mishin's guidance, the boy mastered the four-turn jump and in 1994 took 4th place in the competition among juniors. Two years later, the media reported that Alexey Yagudin became the winner of the World Figure Skating Championships in Australia. The biography of the young athlete was supplemented by a new event in 1997: he competed for Russia in the next world competition and won 3rd place, and a year later he took part in the Olympics in Nagano and took fifth place.

After graduating from school with the young athlete, he entered the St. Petersburg Academy physical culture P. F. Lesgaft. Having successfully completed his studies, the guy moved in 1999 from Russia to the USA to the famous coach Tatyana Tarasova. The woman taught Alexey unusual artistry and much more.

Triumph of Alexey Yagudin

The athlete did not stop there and continued to improve his skills. Thanks to the hard work and efforts of his mentors, in the 2000-2001 season he took second place in the World Figure Skating Championships, behind his main competitor, Evgeni Plushenko. However, in 2002, Alexei Yagudin's performance at the Olympics in Salt Lake City became a real triumph. He received a gold medal and the highest marks of his life: all judges gave 5.9 for technique, four of them 6.0 for artistry. The path to such success was incredibly difficult, so for the first time the skater could not contain his emotions, falling to his knees, kissing the ice and starting to jump for joy like a child. It was a real victory!

The athlete's performance style is filled with great emotions and interconnected elements. He is known for his "paths" performed at high speed in a complex curve with professional movement of the arms, body and legs.

Why did Alexey Yagudin leave big sport?

In October 2002, on the way to the Skate America Grand Prix, the champion experienced a sharp exacerbation of pain in the hip joints (a congenital disorder of the hip structure was discovered), therefore, to the displeasure of fans, he withdrew his candidacy from the competition and ended amateur sports. Alexey Yagudin is a figure skater whose biography was supplemented with new events after some time.

Taking powerful painkillers, in 2006 the man became a participant in the “Stars on Ice” project, performing together with Oksana Pushkina. In 2007, in the show " glacial period“Victoria Daineko became his partner; in the next two years, the Athlete managed to become a champion among professionals twice.

Doctors performed surgery on the hip joint, after which the skater, inspired by the lack of pain, told the press about his intentions to return to amateur sports. However, his plans were not destined to come true: a new injury did not allow him to complete his performance in Germany (the guy was carried off the ice).

Celebrity filmography

Alexey Yagudin, whose biography is still of interest to fans, abandoned his dream, but had no intention of leaving the screens. In 2008 he played main role in the play "President's Vacation". In 2009, he starred in the television series “Hot Ice” (Channel One) in the role of Roma Kozyrev, then became the host of the program “ Good evening, Moscow!" (TV Center) together with Larisa Golubkina. Alexey tested his strength in music, recording several tracks together with Victoria Daineko. In 2010, he played the role of Petelin in the TV series “The Heart of Captain Nemov.” Later, since 2012, Yagudin hosted the “Ice Age” program. A year later, he took part in the project “Cruel Intentions-3”, starred in the second and third parts of the comedy “Deffchonki”, as well as in the film “Masha and the Bear”.

Celebrity hobbies and awards

Figure skater Alexey Yagudin, although very famous, remains a simple guy in his soul and behavior. He likes to go fishing, play tennis, bowling, and golf. Like anyone modern man, can’t imagine his life without the Internet. Lesha always liked to visit nightclubs and good restaurants.

During his life, the athlete received various awards. In 1996 he won a gold medal at the World Junior Figure Skating Championships. The following year he received a bronze medal at the World Championships. In 1998, 1999 and 2000, Alexey won the European and World Championships, and at the age of 19 he received the Grand Prix. In 2002, he became the world leader in figure skating and won gold at Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. A year later he was awarded the Order of IV degree “For Services to the Fatherland.” In 2003, the man took part in the “Best Athlete of the Year” competition and received the “Glory” award.

Celebrity personal life

Alexey Yagudin, whose biography, personal life and sports career is full of interesting events, met with Yana Batyrshina (gymnast), then with participants in the “Star Factory” project Sasha Savelyeva and Victoria Daineko. Then he had a relationship with Anastasia Gorshkova. As time has shown, all these novels turned out to be short-lived.

It turns out that the athlete met his soulmate at the age of 15. Then no one could have imagined that Tatyana Totmyanina and Alexey Yagudin were made for each other. They met in St. Petersburg, while training at a skating rink. At that moment the young man did not pay much attention to her.

Relations between Yagudin and Totmyanina

The first rapprochement occurred when the performances of Alexei Yagudin and his girlfriend Tatyana Totmyanina in big sports ended, after which he invited them to his show. During the tour of Russian cities, the young people were always together. It turned out that the two of them were very happy and interesting. At that time they were not dating anyone. Then Alexey proposed life together to his beloved, to which the girl agreed. However, upon returning to Moscow, conflicts began to arise between them, since Tanya was afraid of becoming Yagudin’s next girlfriend, whom he might abandon, and she had serious plans: a family, a child. Totmyanina was not going to put up with the habits of her loved one. Over time, the relationship became tense, and Lesha left her without much remorse.

A year after the breakup, the meetings resumed, as the skater realized that Tanya was his soulmate. Even on the day of the breakup, the girl felt the loss of the person she truly loved. Their result deep feelings- birth of a girl named Elizaveta on November 20, 2009.

Alexey Yagudin himself, the biography, personal life and achievements of the athlete will be of interest to fans for a long time. This is not at all surprising, because he turned out to be not only a professional athlete, but also a wonderful actor and a multifaceted person. Therefore, the talented personality will probably soon show himself in other TV shows or films.

Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina are considered one of the most stable star couples in the country. They have been together for more than ten years, have two daughters and never tire of emphasizing how happy they are.

In a recent interview, Yagudin admitted that before meeting Totmyanina, all of his novels were extremely unsuccessful and dramatic. However, it was she who was able to provide him with home comfort and peace. That is why now the 38-year-old skater feels absolutely happy, and the only thing he can dream about is another child.

“My joy grows inside when I see my daughters, Tanya, our dogs. This comfort, coziness created by my wife cannot be compared with anything. I am an unbeliever, so I cannot say that our family is a gift from God. We did everything ourselves. I also try to make my wife feel good. I’ll come over and give you another kiss and hug. Because I know Tanya needs it. However, there is one gift that I dream about. I would like a third child. Just let it be a girl,” said the athlete.

According to Yagudin, he never dreamed of sons. Moreover, when Tatyana told her husband about her second pregnancy, he immediately said that he wanted a girl. Younger heiress star couple Michelle was born for two months ahead of schedule.

Now Totmyanina remembers that time with horror. She was afraid that her daughter would not be able to pull through, and the doctors made pessimistic forecasts.

“They tried to stop labor for two days, but they couldn’t. Michelle was born prematurely. And then there were three weeks of hell. For the first six days, my daughter did not breathe; she lived on a ventilator. Pneumonia, antibiotics, all covered in wires and tubes. I didn’t tell Lesha about the seriousness of the situation; he found out about it much later,” Tatyana shared her emotions.

For many fans, Yagudin and Totmyanina are the real personification of the ideal couple. However, the spouses themselves confirm that previously their relationship was extremely unstable. They repeatedly made up and broke up, and once Alexey even started an affair on the side. “At some point I made a “brazen” decision: this man is mine. And I’m probably lucky that I learned about his novel from a magazine. And since I didn’t see it myself, I told myself that everything was not true. The protective barrier has activated. When Lesha returned, we didn’t sort things out and didn’t talk about his affair. It happened and went away like a cold,” said the athlete.

Then, in the mid-2000s, everyone was talking about , which lasted several months. The skater himself repeatedly regretted leaving Tatyana, but at that time he was too afraid of responsibility. As a result, Yagudin and Totmyanina managed to forget about all the grievances, and soon the first daughter appeared in their family.

Communicating with "Caravan of stories" The couple admitted that they are trying to instill in their children a respectful attitude towards others, regardless of their income and profession. Alexey and Tatyana are confident that they will be able to overcome any obstacles and meet old age together.

Not so long ago, Alexey finally officially married the mother of his children - also an Olympic champion Tatiana Totmyanina. He told in an interview with the weekly AiF what changed in the champion’s life with the birth of children and marriage. 


Eternal values Valentina Oberemko, AiF.Zdorovye: Alexey, today they often say that the current generation does not value family values

, runs for money. Who instilled family values ​​in you?: Nobody taught me this. My parents divorced almost immediately after I was born. Probably, life and circumstances taught me to love and appreciate family.

— You teach your daughters to be independent from birth. Have you read specialized literature or somehow studied this issue before having children?

— I don’t read books at all. I absorb information from communicating with people. I think it’s normal when you have daughters to raise them as princesses and at the same time they should be educated and well-mannered people. I am very pleased when my seven-year-old daughter, after eating, says: “Thank you very much! Everything was very tasty, can I leave the table?” This is worth a lot, which means Tanya and I are working in the right direction.

— Tatyana said that Lisa did not immediately react positively to her sister’s appearance. How did you teach your daughter to love Michelle?

—We prepared her for a very long time for the fact that she would have a sister. But when Lisa saw that her sister had actually arrived, that all attention was turned to Michelle, then, of course, jealousy arose. This went on for a month. This is a normal child's reaction. Now everything has changed. The daughters have a very touching relationship.

— Who are they more like in character?

- The eldest is generally pure me. They are very different from the youngest, despite the fact that from the photographs little Lisa and Michelle are absolutely identical. But Lisa was always a big fidget, a loud child, and was constantly capricious. Michelle, on the contrary, constantly smiles, is happy with everything, always hugs and kisses.

Alexey Yagudin with his wife Tatyana Totmyanina and daughter Lisa. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

"Learning French"

— Your youngest has a name atypical for Russian latitudes...

“I didn’t want to give the children purely Russian names. We spend a lot of time abroad, so we wanted to give our daughters names that would be pleasant to the ears both in our country and abroad.

— I heard that you are learning French, how are you doing?

“Things are worse for me than for Tanya.” Tanya went with Lisa to extra lessons. The two of them learned words, grammar, now Tatyana has a big lexicon, and I'm lagging behind in this regard.

— You built your house in France. Are you planning to live there in the future?

— I can’t say that we live in France permanently. We live where our work takes us. I adore our country, I am proud that I am a Russian person, we instill pride in our country in our children. Lisa studies in both France and Russia. I want to give my daughters the opportunity to experience French culture, which was once one of the main ones in Tsarist Russia. That's why she teaches both Russian and French at the same time.

Alexey Yagudin with his daughter Lisa. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Life after sports

— Many athletes do not want to send their children to big sport, because they say that people leave big sports with serious health problems. Do you agree with this opinion?

— Yes, high-performance sports are very closely intertwined with numerous injuries. It is a blessing when an athlete goes through his career without serious consequences. But sport should be present in the life of any person. Lisa studied figure skating with us, now she goes to rhythmic gymnastics, to dance, but I will never insist and force her to do something she doesn’t like.

Tanya and I have education as a priority. I believe that an intelligent, educated person is useful everywhere. Tanya and I were lucky that we were Olympic champions, this gave us the opportunity to further develop and enjoy life in this moment. But in sports, only a few achieve heights; many simply disappear. Therefore, education is more important, and sports are more important in free time.

— Tatyana admitted that, having left big sport, she did not know how to communicate with ordinary people. Did you have this problem when you finished your career?

— I didn’t have any problems with communication. But when you spend your whole life, from the age of three, moving forward in order to achieve Olympic gold, when you work hard for many years for this, and then receive an Olympic medal, you need to somehow understand what to do, what goals to set next. It took me about a year to realize what had happened, and then I just settled into normal life.

— Now you are actively participating in ice shows, have you already planned what you will do in ten years?

“In ten years, I think I’ll still be doing the same thing.” Although who knows, I am a man of today, maximum of tomorrow. That's why I don't plan anything for a long time.

Alexey Yagudin is a famous Russian figure skater, about whose career a lot is known today. His sports biography included a huge variety of different victories, and therefore today his name is strongly associated with figure skating and Russian sports in general. However, after completing his professional career, our today’s hero successfully proved that he can prove himself well in some other industries.

That is why in our article we will try to talk more about the figure skater’s career outside of sports. After all, it is this topic that traditionally remains a mystery for ordinary readers.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexei Yagudin

Alexey Yagudin was born on March 18, 1980 in St. Petersburg. His father left the family early, and therefore his mother was always involved in raising the child. It was she who first brought the future champion to the ice skating rink. The reason for this was quite banal - sport was the best way to improve the fragile health of a child and strengthen his immunity.

Perhaps it is for this reason that our today's hero for a long time didn't take sports seriously. He regularly attended classes, but in his heart he cherished a dream of becoming a driver... a driver. As a child, Alexey dreamed of driving a truck or, at worst, a regular bus. However, fate decreed otherwise. And it’s unlikely that Yagudin ever had to regret it.

At the age of twelve, our today's hero ended up in a group with the famous teacher Alexei Mishin. While studying with him, the young guy managed to achieve serious success in sports for the first time, and also become one of the best athletes in Russia.

Already at the age of thirteen, Yagudin became fourth at the Junior World Championships. After this, two years later, the young Russian managed to win this championship. In parallel with this, he achieved good results in other competitions. In the same 1995/1996 season, our today’s hero managed to become a bronze medalist at the Russian Championship, and a year later, climb the podium another step up. From that moment on, they started talking about Alexei Yagudin as the main hope of the Russian figure skating team.

Sports career of figure skater Alexei Yagudin

In just a few years of his professional sports career, Alexey Yagudin managed to advance to a leading position not only in the Russian team, but throughout the world of figure skating. His bright skating programs with an abundance of connecting elements and signature expressiveness brought him many prestigious awards at various stages of the world Grand Prix, as well as at many other competitions.

So, in particular, over the years, Alexey Yagudin managed to become a three-time European champion, a four-time world champion and a two-time winner of the finals of the world Grand Prix series of figure skating.

Alone with everyone. Alexey Yagudin

All these outstanding achievements brought our today’s hero the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia, as well as the state Order of Merit for the Fatherland (fourth degree). The bright performances of Alexei Yagudin attracted the attention of the public to him. He became a favorite of the stands, and also acquired many personal fans among the stars of world show business. A case that took place in 2001 is illustrative in this regard. That day, right before the next performance, a photograph of Russell Crowe with his personal autograph was brought into the athlete’s dressing room.

The career of the star Russian athlete had everything - victories and defeats, offensive injuries and triumphant returns to the ice. That is why many perceived the moment of the end of Alexei Yagudin’s career as a real loss.

However, having left professional sports, our today's hero still did not disappear from television screens.

Alexey Yagudin's career today

After completing his career, Alexey Yagudin participated in many different show programs and demonstration performances. Due to old injuries, he often experienced pain, and therefore at one point he decided to undergo surgery. Medical intervention yielded results, however, despite this, Alexey never returned to big-time sports.

Alexey Yagudin “The Man in the Iron Mask”

Since 2006, the skater has performed on projects of the Russian Channel One - “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire”. Over the years, Oksana Pushkina, Valeria Lanskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova, Victoria Daineko became his ice partners. With the last of the named celebrities, our today's hero also recorded several collaborations musical compositions, showing himself in an unfamiliar capacity.

In 2008, Alexey Yagudin also made his debut on the theater stage, playing in the play “President's Vacation.” After this, the former athlete often appeared in enterprise productions, as well as in “ice” performances.

Several times our today's hero also acted in films. The most famous was his role in the TV series “Hot Ice”. At a certain period of time, Alexey Yagudin also began working as a presenter. In this capacity, he worked for some time in the “Professionals Cup” program, and then also began appearing in the educational program “I Want to Know,” for which he recorded short stories.

The athlete still works as an actor and TV presenter today.

Personal life of Alexey Yagudin

For many years now, our today's hero has been a member of love relationships with another famous figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina. The celebrities met in their youth, but a serious romance began between them only much later. Today, the former athletes already have a daughter together, Elizaveta (born in 2009). Despite having a common child, the couple have not yet legalized their relationship.

Alexey with his wife, Tatyana Totmyanina, and two daughters have been living in a country house for many years. About secrets healthy image He spoke about life and raising children in an interview for Zagorodnoye Obozreniye.

— Alexey, why did you choose country life?

“When the children appeared, the issue resolved itself. All the best for children.

- Is your home your fortress?

- Yes, this is exactly the harbor that I dreamed of, where everything is as we wanted. We lived out of suitcases for too long: touring, training, rented apartments, moving... But with the birth of children, there was less time for unnecessary thoughts, because a large family needs a big house!

- If you live in a house, on land, you need to be able to do a lot with your own hands. You can?

- Yes, I can dig up and mow grass, I even tried to milk a cow (Laughs.). I love doing things with my own hands, crafting. In our interior there are paintings and flowers made of leather made by me.

— You live in two countries: you have a house in the Moscow region and in the suburbs of Paris. And where is it more soulful?

“Both there and there we feel soulful and at home.” In France, we live next to a lake and a forest and love long walks with the whole family and the dog. Sometimes we go on excursions to Paris and walk. In Moscow we have less Provence, more rich Savor: work, premieres, important events.

— The main goal of any person is a strong family. It seems that you and Tatyana have succeeded in this?

- Yes, I am completely happy and grateful to fate for such a wife and two beautiful daughters.

— Your eldest daughter studies in France. How do you cope with separations?

— There are no separations as such, constant movement, we live in two countries, and if we are not in the Moscow region or in France, then on the plane. The plane is our third home! We spend every free minute, vacation, vacation together. In the summer we worked in Sochi, so we took the children and the dog and lived there. The main thing is the desire to be together, and the opportunity can always be found.

— Is your eldest daughter interested in figure skating?

- Thank God no. She does gymnastics, swims, dances, leads an active lifestyle, this is enough to be a healthy child. We do not force her to play sports, like our parents do, and we are against our children going into big sports.
Sport is great, but it is hard labor, and only a few manage to achieve heights, success, and medals. Let your daughters succeed in other things.
We want girls to be educated and independent. Everyone has responsibilities: making the bed, helping around the house, cleaning up after themselves. We try to prevent them from getting carried away with gadgets.

— What rules do you follow in your upbringing?

- Be friends with children, listen to them, take an interest in their lives, but do not spoil them.

— Can we say that you are pedantic?

— Yes, everything must be of high quality and on time. If it’s a car, then it must have a powerful engine, and the wheels are at least R20. I love it when all my things are in place, and my concert suit is ironed and delivered to my room a day before the performance. I am demanding of myself, but the same of others.

—Are you just as demanding on tour?

— I love comfort, and on tour it is doubly important. My rider states that I need a spacious, bright room with furniture made from environmentally friendly materials, and decorated in green tones - I love it green color. I also really love sweets - they’re delicious, my head works better, my mood lifts... I prefer everything natural. I have a big weakness for jam, honey, homemade cakes, and I love ice cream. You have to pay for everything: I work it out in the gym. That's why another point in my rider - Gym in the hotel, and not less than 12 × 24 meters. I don't miss workouts.

—Can you make the jam yourself?

- I’m cooking! Always seedless, and with honey, not sugar. I was lucky, I was raised by my mother and grandmother and now I am surrounded by only women. So I can do a lot of things and willingly help around the house.

— Sweet is sweet, what else is in the diet? For example, for breakfast?

— I love scrambled eggs. But the eggs must be the freshest. By the way, I know how to store them without refrigeration for up to three months. The method is simple and proven: fresh eggs need to be greased with vegetable oil, placed in a wooden box, covered with salt and covered with burlap. Salt absorbs moisture and prevents rotting; in addition, it serves as a preservative, and vegetable oil creates a protective film.

— How do you distribute responsibilities with Tatyana? You can easily prepare dinner or lunch for the whole family...

— In our family there are no obligations and division of responsibilities into male and female. Whoever is free takes care of the house. Often Tanya works, and I take care of the children, bathe, put them to bed, feed everyone, and walk the dog.
I know how to cook and love it, it’s always delicious. I approach things thoroughly and choose the highest quality products. Of course, my signature dish is meat; men are better at cooking it. Rare steaks, kebabs and barbecues in our country house in the summer.

— Do you like traveling?

— Yes, we always plan them in advance. Now I want a long vacation in comfort. I prefer Asian countries, I really like oriental cuisine. We also love old Europe—the classics, so to speak. But America, where I lived and worked for several years, is not my thing.

— You were born in St. Petersburg, but you call Moscow your city. Why?

— I feel more comfortable in Moscow, its energy is closer to me. Peter is very handsome, stately, but not mine. Everything is gray, monotonous, slow, uninteresting. And the climate doesn’t suit me: sleep and headaches. St. Petersburg is too measured for me. I need to be constantly on the move, like a squirrel in a wheel. And I have a blast in Moscow!

— Do you have time left for reading or any hobbies?

— Alexey, do you know the secrets of how to manage everything?

- Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today; if you want to do something well, do it yourself. Well, the main thing is to clearly formulate your desires and set priorities.

— What are your priorities today?

— Raise and educate daughters, provide them better life, be an example for them. Working on new shows and performing, doing theater and growing as an actor. Do home improvement. If you have clear goals and a desire to achieve them, there will always be time.

Interviewed by: Natalya Ivanova