Marinate the meat in vegetable oil. Shish kebab marinated in vegetable oil

The barbecue season is rapidly gaining momentum. And this means that the time has come to select recipes for preparing a meat delicacy that will appeal to the taste of the whole company, while the taste will somewhat surprise and delight the guests, which will cement the owner’s reputation as a skilled cook.

Armenian pork kebab will allow you to achieve all the goals set above, it is not particularly difficult to prepare, which will make your summer holiday near a pond unforgettable. Now let’s learn more about all the nuances of cooking meat on coals in Armenian.

Secrets of preparing Armenian marinades

One of the most important steps is preparing the marinade. It is this that sets the taste, allows the meat to fry, makes it juicy and soft.

The main rule of Armenian masters is no mayonnaise, vinegar or tomato. It turns out that even without these ingredients that are familiar to our people, the meat turns out juicy, fries relatively quickly (up to two times faster than usual), and allows the raw product to remain outside the refrigerator for about a day, even on a hot day.

Many recipes for Armenian marinade are similar to each other, differing from each other only in spices. Therefore, we can safely present to your attention a version of the Armenian marinade that claims to be a version of the base.


  • vegetable oil – 100 milliliters;
  • onion - one medium head;
  • black peppercorns;
  • coriander;
  • allspice peas;
  • salt, the amount is determined independently.

Cooking time including settling is about 30 minutes.

The calorie content will be about 500 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Preparation procedure:

  • Vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of a deep container;
  • crush allspice and black pepper, coriander grains in a separate bowl. The result should be a medium grain composition. The main thing is that the result of the work is not powder;
  • pour the resulting spices into the oil;
  • the onion is cut into small cubes and added to our marinade;
  • Close the container with a lid and leave to soak for about twenty minutes. During this time, you can work on the onions for the skewer and the meat;
  • salt is added just before frying 10 minutes before.

Step by step recipe

From the many recipes that currently exist, experts identify several real ancient options, one of which we will present to your attention.

How to cook real Armenian pork kebab:

Armenian shashlik in spicy marinade

Today there are quite a lot of variations of Armenian pork kebab. Here is one of the options in a spicy marinade.

You will need:

  • 4 kilograms of pork;
  • 0.5 liters of mineral water;
  • 1 kilogram of onions;
  • 0.5 tablespoon black pepper;
  • allspice, coriander, salt to taste;
  • dried tomatoes.

Cooking time is about half an hour.

Calorie content will be about 280 kcal per 100 g.

Preparation procedure:

  • Place the meat, shredded into large portions, into a deep container;
  • medium-thick onion, cut into half rings, place on top of the meat. It will not be useful during cooking on coals, but without it the taste will not be the same;
  • add spices, not forgetting about dried tomatoes;
  • the entire resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded until the juice appears;
  • add mineral water;
  • mix the ingredients and place the container with marinated meat in the refrigerator for 8 hours;
  • 10-15 minutes before the start of stringing, the mixture is salted and mixed.

A few secrets from professional chefs

Here are a few subtleties on which the taste of the future Armenian kebab largely depends:

  • Good quality pork is the key to success. It is better to select meat from a young animal (light shade) in which the fat is distributed evenly over the surface, while having a light yellow tint. If pronounced yellow veins are visible, this is not suitable for barbecue;
  • Only enamel, clay or glass dishes are suitable for pickling;
  • pieces of meat are chopped across the grain - this is an important condition. The recipes indicate a minimum amount of onion; a slight deviation upward will not spoil the dish.

Bon appetit!

Dear readers!

I suggest you cook shish kebab in a marinade with vegetable oil. This marinade is interesting because 40 minutes is enough for the meat to marinate, and the meat in it can be stored for a long time without refrigeration and, what is important, the meat is fried twice as fast.


  • 1 kg of good pork meat
  • 300 g onions
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • coriander
  • spices for barbecue

Unusual marinade - shish kebab in vegetable oil


We wash the meat and cut it into portions. We cut it coarsely, the kebabs will turn out juicier.

To prepare the marinade, as you can see, you do not need traditional vinegar or mayonnaise. Pour vegetable oil into a container for marinating shashlik, add ground black pepper, coriander or just spices for shish kebab, and salt to taste. Mix the marinade well.

It is better to take a small onion. We clean it, rinse it. Chop one onion very finely, add a little salt and grind thoroughly until onion porridge forms. Add it to the marinade and mix well.

Cut the rest of the onion into rings or lengthwise into 4-6 pieces. If you cut lengthwise, then in order to prevent the onions from falling apart and burning when cleaning, do not cut off the tails and noses.

Place the meat and onion in the marinade, mix well, preferably by hand, then every piece will be in the marinade. We leave our kebabs in the marinade for 40 minutes. If you do not plan to fry them immediately, if you have prepared them in advance, then the meat should be completely covered with oil.

The kebabs are marinated, string them onto skewers, alternately meat, onions and onto the grill.

Do not go far, turn it over often so that it does not burn, as vegetable oil will drip and the coals in the grill may ignite. Don't yawn, just fill them with water. Since I will have guests today, I am preparing a shish kebab from meat and . In the photo he is in the background.

We went to visit a friend at her dacha. She made shish kebab using this recipe. We were annoyed when we found out that she had not even marinated the meat when we arrived. But as a result, after an hour they were already threading the meat and onions onto skewers.
As a result, everyone was surprised how tasty and juicy the meat was. And all this in just 40 minutes of marinating!
And the onions are just lovely!

Pork pulp - 1.5 kg
Vegetable oil - 100 ml
Onion - about 0.5 kg
Khmeli suneli - 1 tsp.
Black peppercorns - up to 1 tsp.
Allspice peas - up to 1 tsp.
Coriander beans - to taste
Salt - to taste

In my notebook, or rather, in the notes on my computer, this recipe is saved under the name “pork kebab with onions from an old Armenian.” With meat, everything is clear - it’s any pork pulp (neck, ham, shoulder), the whole point is in the marinade in vegetable oil and in large pieces of onion.
It was stated that almost 40 minutes are enough for marinating, but the meat can be stored in it in the refrigerator for at least three days. Onion quarters are soaked in marinade and then fried over coals along with the meat - this is something... Very tasty! You need to take medium-sized onions.
For pork shashlik with onions in Armenian marinade, prepare all the ingredients according to the list, i.e. pork meat and everything for the Armenian marinade.
Prepare the marinade. To do this, combine vegetable oil with crushed (crushed) black pepper, allspice, coriander, a mixture of suneli hops and finely chopped one onion. Stir. Wait with the salt, it will come in handy before frying.
When you peel the onions, be sure to leave the “tails”, or you can also “spouts”, so to speak))) This is done so that when cutting into quarters the onions do not fall apart. They will then be placed on a skewer, roasted over coals along with the meat, and at the same time retain their shape!
Cut the pork into pieces and place them and the onions in the marinade.
Place meat in marinade
Stir so that the marinade gets onto each piece of meat and the onion quarters are evenly distributed between the pieces of meat. Those onion quarters that end up on top should be placed cut side down. Before using, store marinated meat in the refrigerator and remove it at least 1.5 hours before cooking.
By the time the coals in the grill are hot and ready to fry kebabs, add pieces of meat mixed with pieces of onion. Lightly salt the kebab before grilling. Do not push the meat tightly together; let the skewer between the pieces of meat remain hot and give off its heat.
Fry the pork shish kebab with onions over the coals until the meat is completely cooked. Check readiness by cutting the pieces with a knife to the skewer. The color of the finished pork is familiar to everyone; there should be no redness or blood.
Pork kebab with onions in Armenian marinade is ready.

The kebab turns out very juicy, burns little, and is difficult to dry out.
For several years now I have been making this kind of kebab from any meat and poultry without salt, only with spices and herbs, and the result is always excellent.

This kebab has several advantages: the meat is marinated for only about 40 minutes; the kebab is fried one and a half, if not twice as fast as usual; leaving the meat in the marinade, it can be stored at room temperature for up to three days, excluding exposure to sunlight; no wines, mayonnaises, vinegars or rare spices are needed; Even dry beef will be very good in this marinade.


black pepper;
sunflower oil;
salt (if you like);
It is advisable to buy unground pepper and coriander, but you should not put them whole in the marinade. They should be ground, but so that the grind is coarse. You can add a little cilantro and tarragon.

For every kilogram of meat there should be at least 0.5 kg of onions.

How to cook delicious and juicy kebab:

1. Take an enamel bowl and pour 200 ml of sunflower oil into it.

2. Put spices and add salt. Mix thoroughly and leave to soak for a while.

3. Meanwhile, cut the onion into rings or a little smaller if the onions are large. One small onion (or half a large one) should be finely chopped and mashed well with a little salt.

4. Place the onion in the marinade and mix thoroughly.

5. The meat should be cut into large pieces so that they are juicier (lamb can be cut somewhat smaller).

6. Place the meat in the marinade, stirring it diligently with your hands. Those onions that float to the surface must be turned with the cut part towards the meat and pressed down.

7. If cooking the kebab is delayed, sprinkle pepper on top and add oil so that it completely covers the meat.

Shish kebab cooks faster with this marinade because when heated, the oil melts and warms the meat from the inside, while at the same time preventing the kebab from drying out. For the same reason, you should carefully ensure that oil dripping onto the coals does not allow the flame to flare up.

This is the best marinade for barbecue that I have tried. Armenian marinade, any meat is suitable: lamb, pork, beef.

No, I don’t claim that this method is the only correct one, but I got this recipe from an old Armenian. In general, this best marinade for barbecue is interesting in several respects: it marinates quite quickly (40 minutes), meat in the marinade without refrigeration feels fine for three days (well, with such heat as last summer, I still didn’t It would be a risk, of course, but at 25-28 degrees it’s normal, the main thing is not to put it in the sun), and it cooks very quickly - one and a half to two times faster than usual.

No vinegars, mayonnaises, or wines are required. Only normal, unrefined sunflower oil. Homemade is better, of course.

Next are the spices. Well, on the one hand, it’s about taste, but there is something important: pepper (from hot ones) is only black, for aroma - allspice. (Uhh... how I tried not to make it too spicy this time - people who were not accustomed to my cooking tasted it...) Coriander is extremely desirable. All this needs to be fairly coarsely ground - no pieces, but not into powder either.

Ingredients to prepare the best marinade for shish kebab:

  • meat 1.5 kg;
  • onions 0.5 kg;
  • unrefined sunflower oil 150-200 ml;
  • ground black pepper;
  • allspice black pepper;
  • coriander;
  • khmeli-suneli;
  • dry cilantro;
  • salt.

The recipe for making shish kebab is very simple. Pour 150-200 milliliters of oil into the bottom of an enamel bowl and add spices. That's not all. If you want, you can leave it at this level, but you can also make the meat spicy. Well, if you're too lazy to mix, you can add some good hops-suneli, but in general, herbs to taste. Dry cilantro (just a little) and tarragon are welcome. Salt - count on the amount of meat. Mix well, sir. And we leave it to drink.

Next we need a bow. A lot of. Half a kilo per one and a half kilograms of meat, at least. Another subtlety, but from another person from the Caucasus... Georgian this time: we peel the onions, but do not cut off the noses and tails. Of course, it is better to take small onions.

And cut them lengthwise into quarters (if they are too large, you can cut them into 6 pieces). Chop one, the smallest one, or half very finely and squeeze it thoroughly with a little salt.

Throw everything into the marinade and mix well.

Only now it comes to meat. I’ll be honest: even dry beef will turn out quite well in this marinade, but it’s best to use pork neck.

We cut the barbecue meat coarsely, it will be juicier. Well, if you take lamb, you can have it smaller.

Throw it into the best marinade for shish kebab, knead it thoroughly, knead it with your hand... Turn the onions that are on the surface with the cuts towards the meat and press them down. If you plan to fry not in the near future, I advise you to add more pepper on top and pour oil so that the meat is completely covered. That's it, the best marinade for barbecue is ready!

Meat... We string it according to the classics: meat-onion-meat. There is meat around the edges.

Now I’ll explain why the onions were cut this way. Thread it onto a skewer, piercing each quarter from the inner layer outward.

Then you will check out what real barbecued onions are! The nose and tail will burn and you will be left with a delicious onion baked with meat.

Now I’ll explain why with this recipe for making shish kebab, it cooks faster: the oil, as it melts and burns out, warms it up from the inside, but at the same time prevents it from drying out. The only thing is that as fat drips, it often ignites the coals, so you need to keep an eye on it and put it out if anything happens. Well, it’s advisable to turn them over more often.

Bon appetit everyone!