The meaning of theatrical masks. What does a tattoo mask mean? Men's tattoo masks

The mask is a symbol of illusion. The person hiding behind the mask does not want to show his true self to others. There is an opinion that people who tattoo masks thus show their secrecy and duality. But this has its own philosophy. Many people believe that life is very similar to theater, and each person plays his own role in it. This worldview is not without common sense. Such an original interpretation of a mask tattoo is considered a deeper understanding of this complex body symbol.

All of the above applies more to the image of a theatrical mask. But masks are also different. For example, shamanic masks are a completely different story. Such masks play the role of amulets and have nothing to do with the duality and secrecy of your personality. The shaman's mask can become your totem, which will guide you through life.


It is impossible to describe all possible mask tattoo ideas in one article, but we have collected for you the most interesting in our opinion:


Surprisingly, we managed to find several celebrities with mask tattoos. Among them:

  • Ireland Baldwin;
  • Renee Phoenix;
  • Rabbi Rose.

Drawing in the form of masks is a relatively new, but rapidly developing trend in the world of body painting, which has won a large audience of fans. Before you find out what a mask means, you need to carefully study the history of its origin.

They appeared about five thousand years ago, when humanity believed in otherworldly forces. When communicating with spirits, face coverings were an integral part of the ritual so that the dead would not recognize the person and take him away after the ritual was completed. Also, this object has become an integral part of hunting. By putting it on, the shamans penetrated the soul of the animal, which made catching much easier.

In this day and age, hiding your face is no longer relevant. Masks can be found at carnivals, holidays, in the circus or at themed parties, but not at all Everyday life. However, it is important to know that each faceplate displays some ideas and meanings, so let’s look at the designation of mask tattoos of the most common types.

  • Military. The image of warrior masks is perfect for admirers of the culture of various warring nations. Their main function is protection from combat wounds, so they can be considered amulets.
  • Theater masks Before revealing the meaning of the tattoo theatrical masks, You will probably be interested in the origins of their appearance and further popularization. These objects served as a means of conveying the emotions of the actors on stage. Their homeland is ancient Greece and Rome. Later they became a symbol of theatrical excellence. It is a picture consisting of two faces: the first is smiling, joyful; the second is sad. Based on this, we can conclude that the tattoo of two masks means the constant changeability of life, and of course, the art of acting. Therefore, it is perfect for representatives of this profession. Also, the hanya mask, an attribute of Japanese theater that symbolizes wisdom, belongs to this category. Outwardly, she resembles a demon: two horns, fangs, a terrifying smile. According to legend, one unrequited loving woman turned into this creature and burned her lover with the flames of fire.
  • Hollywood masks are now a fairly popular motif in body painting. Many people want to display characters from their favorite films and TV series on their bodies. The picture of the Joker mask, the villain and adversary of Batman, is in great demand. In addition, the vendetta mask, which appeared in the film of the same name, is quite common. Another frequently encountered theme is the Jason Voorhees mask tattoo from the movie “Friday the 13th.” By recreating the images of favorite heroes, the owner of the tattoo wants to adopt their personal qualities, abilities or skills.
  • Venetian. Until now, carnivals can’t do without their use. The idea is that with their help you can completely compare all participants in the holiday, regardless of their social status, material security, and other things. They are considered a sign of equality and justice. Often they are recreated as a tattoo of a girl in a mask.
  • Ethnic. Many ethnic groups were engaged in body painting long before the advent of modern permanent body paintings. The Indians and tribes of the Pacific Islands achieved great success in this art. It is important to note the image of a Polynesian mask - their sketches are quite in demand to this day. According to the beliefs of the Polynesians, they are able to protect against evil forces and act as a talisman in battle.

When choosing a stylistic solution, you will be faced with the problem of a huge number of various design options. Often the work is done using bright colors. The only exception is: the use of paints is contrary to style, so it is necessary to use black.

The direction also depends on what you want to depict. If these are characters from movies, it is better to visualize them as realistically as possible, with accurate depiction of the smallest details. Other sketches can be applied using graphic technology. By the way, they are often combined with other subjects, so mask sleeves are not uncommon.

Drawing in the form of masks is a relatively new, but rapidly developing trend in the world of body painting, which has won a large audience of fans. Before you find out what a mask means, you need to carefully study the history of its origin.

They appeared about five thousand years ago, when humanity believed in otherworldly forces. When communicating with spirits, face coverings were an integral part of the ritual so that the dead would not recognize the person and take him away after the ritual was completed. Also, this object has become an integral part of hunting. By putting it on, the shamans penetrated the soul of the animal, which made catching much easier.

It looks like going from flat to round isn't a problem for them. The main purpose of African sculpture is not the representation of the visible world, but the embodiment of realities of a moral or supernatural order, it is abstract art by definition, it does not seek to generate a single aesthetic emotion, hence its ability to enchant.

This means they hide or suppress personality. They camouflage the wearer facially and figuratively to help him personify a wandering force, spirit or god, captivating him with his own image to better capture and maneuver him. The sculptural part, which is shown in museums, is only an element of a mask, which consists, in fact, of a complete costume, which has its own name and which is exhibited at ceremonies, of which music and dance are integral parts. These rituals are also points posed by the main existential problems developed within specific mythologies: the struggle between good and evil, the mystery of origins, the torment of death.

In this day and age, hiding your face is no longer relevant. Masks can be seen at carnivals, holidays, the circus or theme parties, but not in everyday life. However, it is important to know that each faceplate displays some ideas and meanings, so let’s look at the designation of mask tattoos of the most common types.

  • Military. The image of warrior masks is perfect for admirers of the culture of various warring nations. Their main function is protection from combat wounds, so they can be considered amulets.
  • Theater masks Before revealing the meaning of theater mask tattoos, you will probably be interested in the origins of their appearance and further popularization. These objects served as a means of conveying the emotions of the actors on stage. Their homeland is ancient Greece and Rome. Later they became a symbol of theatrical excellence. It is a picture consisting of two faces: the first is smiling, joyful; the second is sad. Based on this, we can conclude that the tattoo of two masks means the constant changeability of life, and of course, the art of acting. Therefore, it is perfect for representatives of this profession. Also, the hanya mask, an attribute of Japanese theater that symbolizes wisdom, belongs to this category. Outwardly, she resembles a demon: two horns, fangs, a terrifying smile. According to legend, one unrequited woman turned into this creature and burned her lover with a flame of fire.
  • Hollywood masks are now a fairly popular motif in body painting. Many people want to display characters from their favorite films and TV series on their bodies. The picture of the Joker mask, the villain and adversary of Batman, is in great demand. In addition, the vendetta mask, which appeared in the film of the same name, is quite common. Another frequently encountered theme is the Jason Voorhees mask tattoo from the movie “Friday the 13th.” By recreating the images of favorite heroes, the owner of the tattoo wants to adopt their personal qualities, abilities or skills.
  • Venetian. Until now, carnivals can’t do without their use. The idea is that with their help you can completely compare all participants in the holiday, regardless of their social status, material security, and other things. They are considered a sign of equality and justice. Often they are recreated as a tattoo of a girl in a mask.
  • Ethnic. Many ethnic groups were engaged in body painting long before the advent of modern permanent body paintings. The Indians and tribes of the Pacific Islands achieved great success in this art. It is important to note the image of a Polynesian mask - their sketches are quite in demand to this day. According to the beliefs of the Polynesians, they are able to protect against evil forces and act as a talisman in battle.

Speaking of places to apply, a picture of a mask on the hand is the most common option. Those around you will definitely not remain indifferent to such a tattoo, since its plot component is very rare, which makes the design somewhat unique. But if the mask on your hand does not suit you, its size and shape allow you to place it in any other place: on the chest, side, back, thighs, calves.

From theologians to encyclopedists in search of universal categories who did not write about the mask? What gallery hasn’t dreamed of undertaking this and what museum has neglected to organize an exhibition on this topic? The oldest American masks known today are stone masks belonging to the Olmec civilization.

For the oceans, the mask or camouflage of the body often allows the ancestral spirit to speak and act in educational care, towards the youngest, to evoke the mythical history of the group. Occupying the coastal plain of Guinea, Baga lives from growing rice on land prepared by long labor: clearing mangroves by fire, building dams. Situated on sand dunes, the villages are connected by streams that are flooded for six months of the year.

From time immemorial, masks have been used by people when performing various religious rites and rituals. In Buddhist culture, masks were used as amulets against non-believers or people who were opponents of their faith.

Usually masks are the personification of something. Typically spirits or gods. Masks had a wide purpose in ancient times, but regardless of their scope, they had one common goal - to hide true face their owners. They were worn by theater actors, spies and even doctors.

The name given to the people inhabiting the Gazelle Peninsula, located in the northeast of the island of New Britain in Melanesia. Cavity or even in fabric mannequins. These societies revere the spirits of the forest, which they represent with masks. In Africa, a mask guarantees a smooth start to creation, and for an African artist, making masks is not a gratuitous act.

The tattoo as a sign of recognition and a symbol of protection immediately joined the culture gang. In this article we will discuss some gang tattoos and some have been used, but because the topic is vast, we will definitely come back. IN South America the gang phenomenon is born in the prisons of El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, and then develops on the streets until they come to America as real malicious organizations. During this period, in Italy there is talk of a Latin gang. He was assigned to each gang for a specific task.

Meaning of mask tattoo

This type of tattoo has appeared relatively recently, and before applying it, you should carefully study the meaning of the image. A mask tattoo can symbolize protection, concealment, reincarnation, non-existence. She is the personification of the inner qualities of a person hidden behind the outer shell.

Tattoos are applied by people who want to hide their true inner qualities, motives and motivations. Many creative people choose a mask tattoo. Usually masks represent two types of images - tragic and ominously joyful. Sometimes an image is applied in the form of two masks located opposite each other, thus emphasizing the opposition of the internal qualities of a person, good and evil, white and black.

From there they began to expand even beyond the American border. The same letters and numbers tattooed on the forehead, accompanied by horns that emerge from under the skin, indicate the snap or head of the pandilla, terms that are found on the cell. These figures show 666 "owned" gang activities of the group, which in jargon is called a team.

Theater masks, hands holding banknotes or coins indicate those participating in the racket. A canvas, hourglass or tear-off calendar indicates a prison. The smiling face of a young girl shows that the member in charge of managing prostitutes, often minors. The girl cried and covered her face with her hands, pointing to Mata, or murderer. Money, seductive women, eyes that cry, clown masks, guns, game symbols used are some of the many symbols that represent other aspects of gangster life.

Power, success, seduction, wealth, pain, danger, in short, clear messages. A clown mask, for example, represents a smile on the outside but is crying on the inside. Represent faith and hope for a better life, a call for help and protection, and can also be used along with roses and perhaps written in memory of a lost person, tattoos in memory of a loved one. Pre-Columbian symbols, Aztec warriors, Mesoamerican deities, glyphs, mythological creatures of Aztec civilizations, pyramids, statues and monuments.

These are symbols used to represent, the pride of a race, the descendants of the warrior culture that created the empire, the roots before the arrival of the Europeans. The figures of the revolutionaries in the Mexican independent movement also represent the pride of their culture, Behind the Skin of Pirpaolo Pinto - Lucia Elisha. Different cultures associate these objects with different meanings, but they...

Masks have always personified the duplicity and deceit of human nature. Masked people have always been treated with suspicion and distrust, since behind the outer shell there was something unknown, mysterious and frightening. Currently, there are four types of tattoo masks: theatrical, Hollywood, Chania mask and Venetian mask. Each of them has its own origin story and peculiarity.

There are persistent elements attributed to masks of spiritual significance, their use in dance and other religious rites, and the recognition of a special social status to the artists who perform them and to those who wear them. In most cases, mask making is an art that is passed down from father to son along with the knowledge of the symbolic and religious values ​​associated with it.

Masks are found everywhere in the world, so they can be considered a global phenomenon; However, in no other continent are there many masks that are used in Africa. Even today they do not know where they originated, although there are countless testimonies.

Men's tattoo masks

Tattoos with Hollywood masks are very popular among men. They appeared from Hollywood films, and are applied to the body to personify horror, crime, cruelty and danger, in general, the most terrible human vices.

For men, the image of two masks is also suitable, personifying two different qualities of a person, usually negative. One of the personalities of such masks is a symbol of pain and suffering, while the other personifies the sinister feast of superiority and enslavement of the good side.

Some myths tell us that women knew the secrets of masks in front of people. According to these traditions, women worked well on the land. Men, afraid of losing their own. Power gathered in secret associations. Since then, mask cults have taken place without the direct participation of women.

However, these masked beings are also important to women and children who practice dancing with the masks they create but are already aware of the role of the masked beings. The company's masks are used to solve problems among men. They play an important role in land worship and ancestor worship through intermediary spirits, rites of passage, and fertility rites.

Usually two such masks are located back to back, or the dominant mask is located larger in the foreground. This indicates the dominance of the bad ones human qualities over the good ones. For example, laziness, which destroys all bright germs and does not allow all the positive potential of a person to develop.

Therefore, the mask is a personified person who comes to the village from the world of the afterlife to convey a message to the people of this world. Masks serve many functions: they want to help people, introduce and instruct them, argue and make judgments.

Increasingly frequent contact with Europeans, especially since the colonial era, has led to the disappearance of many structures of traditional society; As a result, many of the masks today are not. Used most in the original sense, with the exception of remote rural areas.

They are still in use and retain at least some of their traditional functions. Even japanese masks like the Chinese have ancient origins and Anch they are associated with religious rituals and exorcism, as well as wedding and funeral ceremonies. They are smaller than other traditional masks and often do not cover the actor's entire face. There are over 200 Noh Theater masks, but only eighty are considered necessary for performances.

Today, the vendetta mask is popular among men. A smiling grimace that has a very double meaning. On the one hand there is a smile, but behind it there is something hidden that no one knows.

masks are also applied for protection purposes. There is an opinion that choosing the right one in the form of a mask will protect its owner from evil spirits.

Women's tattoo masks

The fair half of humanity rarely gets this kind of tattoo, probably because of their negative context. However, such cases also occur. There are options of this type. Usually they choose mask tattoos, the meaning of which is less frightening and gloomy. To do this, other additional attributes are applied around the masks, such as bird feathers, flowers, scarves or butterfly wings.

The "gigak mask" is more ancient and according to legend is of Korean origin and spread to Japan in the seventh century. Tie more imitate the field dance worn in processions where they recite music in a pattern that resembles drama. They were made of wood and fake hair and covered the entire head of the actor, with dramatic expressions representing both animals such as birds and lions, but also supernatural and fantastic creatures.

While this mask talk is no longer synonymous with carnival, the holiday before Lent and then Easter are just one aspect of the symbol that hides infinite universes, fascinating. Different and equal masks, unique and absolute opposites, but always complementing the wearer. According to African tradition, masks are not worn, they choose who will wear them.

Note that for ladies it is more suitable to use bright colors, for example, red and blue. Women, unlike men, are less likely to use monotonous images consisting of a combination of two colors - black and white. Also, ominous or depressing images are rarely found in the sketches of mask tattoos for girls. More often it is female images hidden behind a simple mask.

The use of a mask is lost in time, you do not know its origin, we are confident to collect documents and images of men and women from his masked faces in graffiti and cemeteries belonging to different peoples and traditions, cultures and geographical location. How If one conscience and necessity inspired the hearts and minds of people regardless of place and time.

What is certain is that the use of a mask is also reserved for rituals and this function you can already find the origin of human history: They used masks to appease good hunting and especially in magical and religious rites. Priests, sorcerers, shamans, magicians, and spellcasters used masks that not only distinguished them from “normal” people, but they were represented in an anthropomorphic image of a divine or demonic entity. Thus, the mask was a kind of way to connect the rational part with the spiritual and extraterrestrial ether.

The term "mask" is from Longobard, but there are examples in ancient medieval, "mask" means larva, witch, si, but also demon. These meanings, however, should not be misleading, the mask was not an omen of death or something dark and sad, it always opens, through the image of the inner man, as a kind of bridge to this creative and fantastic universe parallel to or above the real world. The same applies to the term "witch", which did not define a female being who suffocated and magic potion at the expense of someone, and was not a servant of Satan.

A popular tattoo is the image of a woman peeking out from behind her own mask. Typically, the girl's mask in such an image is decorated with red and black feathers or a rosebud. There is also the option of applying a tattoo on the body in the form of two faces, one of which has a black mask, and the other a red one. These colors will help emphasize the meaning conveyed by the tattoo.

The witch was the female connection between man and the essence of the universe; The mask served these women so that the energy of the spirits manifested itself to the living, and then advised, treated, and pointed out new paths. Free thoughts. The same applies to demons; It was only in the eighteenth century that the demon was considered "the devil," and then synonymous with the devil, the son and disciple of Lucifer, but once the demon was a spirit that was, dare I say, on a hypothetical scale of importance, soon after the Guardian Angels. Demons were benign spirits usually found in nature and showed man what to do with his beloved, with his wife who did not give birth, with animals, with the passage of time and with the fields that would be sown.

Choosing a place for a tattoo mask

A tattoo mask applied to the shoulder is equally suitable for men and women. This is one of the popular places for body paintings, as they will be clearly visible.

Another common place for tattooing is the shoulder blade. It is also suitable for both men and women. However, this is a good option if you are a fan or lover of wearing sleeveless T-shirts. And even in this case, in order to admire your tattoo for yourself, you will have to stand with your back to the mirror and turn your head.

The demons were elves, gnomes, fairies, keepers of wisdom, man could only guess, quite similar to the nymphs, to the muses, to the satyr Parnassus of Greek memory. The mask was associated with Carnival, celebrated in countries of the Christian-Catholic tradition, since the mask allows this transformation envisioned by the carnival philosophy. In the Carnival mask it has the power to overturn in fact gives free rein to the imagination: in this case the mask of skins, hides the fact that they can be fantasy and imagination to cover the matter.

There is not only taste to give to the soul, the inner man: the main purpose of the carnival mask is to overthrow the social order, to be what one would never be or would seem to want to become. The carnival mask is people and power, the bourgeoisie, nobility and high clergy. This is the armor up to the established order before the severe fast comes to the premise of the feast of rebirth in the resurrection of Christ, Easter.

The inside of the arm is considered a good place for a tattoo. But there are some nuances here. For example, limited space will not allow you to apply a large image, which is why the design will be less noticeable, unlike a tattoo on the shoulder or shoulder blade, where there is plenty of space. Although there are also positive sides. For example, a tattoo will be seen more often since it will not be hidden under clothing.

The tattoo in the form of a mask appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among lovers of images on their bodies. She has her own special meaning, so it’s best to learn as much as possible about it before applying it.

Mask tattoo on a man's chest

History of the mask

The first masks appeared in ancient times, when all of humanity believed in demons and spirits. To avoid being recognized in the real world, they wore masks. People who wanted to communicate with representatives of the other world also covered their faces. The mask helped them hide their true face. Shamans used masks when they went hunting. They had to communicate with the souls of killed animals, so they needed protection.

Did you know? Winston Churchill had an anchor tattooed on his body.

The mask was considered an indispensable attribute for various rituals. For example, the inhabitants of India and Africa wore them during the initiation of boys and girls. Masks were also used in rituals to increase wealth. Very often they were simply dressed in order to rob wealthy people. Community representatives chose one type of mask for themselves and thereby emphasized that they were from the same community. Masks were often used in Buddhist culture. Its representatives were very jealous of those who did not recognize or attacked their faith. They used masks as protection. During the celebrations, lamas wore masks and costumes representing evil gods.

Theater mask tattoo on arm

A mask tattoo can become a real amulet for its owner. To do this, it is better to contact not only a tattoo artist, but also a person with psychic abilities.

Yesterday I went to the salon and got a mask tattooed on my chest. It turned out very colorful, although the skin has not yet healed. I'm looking forward to the final result!

Oleg, Tomsk

Masks were not only worn on the face. Ancient people used them as a headdress, carried them in their hands and even in their teeth. Costumes in the form of masks were very popular. They helped hide the appearance of one person or even several people.

Mask tattoos on the side of the body in the Chicano style

What does a mask tattoo mean?

The mask is a symbol of human duality. It can mean non-existence, transformation, concealment, protection. In some cases, this tattoo conveys a certain message containing an intangible and impersonal meaning. As a rule, it is chosen by people who want to hide their inner qualities and motives. The mask was a kind of amulet for the inhabitants of Oceania and Africa, so it is also applied for these purposes. A tattoo in the form of a mask can be seen on the body of many creative people. For example, Mikhail Galustyan.

Distorted or unique facial features can be presented in various ways - tragic or comic. This is precisely the meaning that the image of the mask carries. This is a kind of unity of two opposite personalities in one person. The mask tattoo, a photo of which can be found in any catalog of tattoo parlors, has various options Images.

There are also masks in the style of an evil clown

Today, tattoo parlors use 4 variants of mask tattoos:

  • Venetian
  • Hollywood
  • theatrical
  • Chania mask

Each of them carries its own special meaning.

Important! Before you tattoo a mask, you need to decide which one suits your inner state best.

Theater mask

The first theatrical masks appeared in Greece and Rome. With their help, the actors expressed their experiences on stage. After some time, the mask became a symbol theatrical arts. If you want to emphasize that a person’s life is fickle and changeable, feel free to choose this image as a tattoo. This mask tattoo, sketches of which can be found even on the Internet, is suitable for actors and everyone. creative people, as well as everyone who likes to joke and be sad at the same time.

I've always been fascinated by carnivals. Once I was even lucky enough to visit one of them. As soon as I arrived home, I went to the salon to get a tattoo of a carnival mask. I wanted the unforgettable impressions I received from the trip to stay with me forever. The master tattooed me in the form of a mask on my shoulder blade. I chose the most colorful colors. Everyone around me was delighted with my tattoo!

Elena, Moscow

Sad and happy emotions in the image of masks

Venetian masks

Venetian carnivals are still not complete without masks decorated with precious stones and gold jewelry. The main purpose of these accessories is to compare all participants in the holiday, who may have different material and social status. The Venetian mask could only be worn during the carnival itself. Today, this tattoo is a symbol of fair realism and tough peace. A mask tattoo, the meaning of which may differ depending on the type, can be depicted in either black and white or bright colors.

Hollywood masks

We owe the appearance of this type of mask to American horror films. Such a tattoo inspires fear and anxiety in everyone around you. It symbolizes bloodthirstiness, cruelty, mystery and danger.

I play in the theater, so I wanted to get myself a tattoo that would highlight my acting abilities. The designer advised me to choose a mask tattoo. I didn’t want a black and white image, so the master chose bright and rich shades for me. I was very pleased.

Oksana, Tyumen

Mask tattoo using trash style and a little watercolor

Chania mask

This mask has interesting story. A Japanese girl fell in love with a wandering monk, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. As a result, the Japanese woman became jealous, vengeful and turned into an evil demon. It is he who is depicted on the Chania mask. The mask is quite scary - with black eyes, scary teeth and horns. A tattoo in the form of this mask symbolizes all-consuming fire and the breath of passion, since Japanese girl, turning into a demon, fell in love with another man and burned him.

Video: master makes tattoo masks

Mask tattoo in photo

Mask tattoo designs